Lattice Operators#
- bpy.ops.lattice.flip(*, axis='U')#
Mirror all control points without inverting the lattice deform
- Parameters:
axis (enum in ['U', 'V', 'W'], (optional)) – Flip Axis, Coordinates along this axis get flipped
- bpy.ops.lattice.make_regular(*)#
Set UVW control points a uniform distance apart
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_all(*, action='TOGGLE')#
Change selection of all UVW control points
- Parameters:
action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –
Action, Selection action to execute
Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.SELECT
Select – Select all elements.DESELECT
Deselect – Deselect all elements.INVERT
Invert – Invert selection of all elements.
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_less(*)#
Deselect vertices at the boundary of each selection region
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_mirror(*, axis={'X'}, extend=False)#
Select mirrored lattice points
- Parameters:
axis (enum set in Axis Flag Xyz Items, (optional)) – Axis
extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_more(*)#
Select vertex directly linked to already selected ones
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_random(*, ratio=0.5, seed=0, action='SELECT')#
Randomly select UVW control points
- Parameters:
ratio (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Ratio, Portion of items to select randomly
seed (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Random Seed, Seed for the random number generator
action (enum in ['SELECT', 'DESELECT'], (optional)) –
Action, Selection action to execute
Select – Select all elements.DESELECT
Deselect – Deselect all elements.
- bpy.ops.lattice.select_ungrouped(*, extend=False)#
Select vertices without a group
- Parameters:
extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection