Paint Operators#


Add cube map UVs on mesh

bpy.ops.paint.add_texture_paint_slot(type='BASE_COLOR', slot_type='IMAGE', name='Untitled', color=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), width=1024, height=1024, alpha=True, generated_type='BLANK', float=False, domain='POINT', data_type='FLOAT_COLOR')#

Add a paint slot

  • type (enum in ['BASE_COLOR', 'SPECULAR', 'ROUGHNESS', 'METALLIC', 'NORMAL', 'BUMP', 'DISPLACEMENT'], (optional)) – Material Layer Type, Material layer type of new paint slot

  • slot_type (enum in ['IMAGE', 'COLOR_ATTRIBUTE'], (optional)) – Slot Type, Type of new paint slot

  • name (string, (optional, never None)) – Name, Name for new paint slot source

  • color (float array of 4 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Color, Default fill color

  • width (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Width, Image width

  • height (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Height, Image height

  • alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Alpha, Create an image with an alpha channel

  • generated_type (enum in Image Generated Type Items, (optional)) – Generated Type, Fill the image with a grid for UV map testing

  • float (boolean, (optional)) – 32-bit Float, Create image with 32-bit floating-point bit depth

  • domain (enum in Color Attribute Domain Items, (optional)) – Domain, Type of element that attribute is stored on

  • data_type (enum in Color Attribute Type Items, (optional)) – Data Type, Type of data stored in attribute


Swap primary and secondary brush colors


Change selection for all faces


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.


Hide selected faces


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected objects


Deselect Faces connected to existing selection


face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Step, Also deselect faces that only touch on a corner


Select linked faces


Select linked faces under the cursor


deselect (boolean, (optional)) – Deselect, Deselect rather than select items

bpy.ops.paint.face_select_loop(select=True, extend=False)#

Select face loop under the cursor

  • select (boolean, (optional)) – Select, If false, faces will be deselected

  • extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection


Select Faces connected to existing selection


face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Step, Also select faces that only touch on a corner


Reveal hidden faces and vertices


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Specifies whether the newly revealed geometry should be selected

bpy.ops.paint.grab_clone(delta=(0.0, 0.0))#

Move the clone source image


delta (mathutils.Vector of 2 items in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Delta, Delta offset of clone image in 0.0 to 1.0 coordinates

bpy.ops.paint.hide_show(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True, action='HIDE', area='Inside', use_front_faces_only=False)#

Hide/show some vertices

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

    • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

    • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

  • area (enum in ['OUTSIDE', 'Inside'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Area, Which vertices to hide or show

    • OUTSIDE Outside – Hide or show vertices outside the selection.

    • Inside Inside – Hide or show vertices inside the selection.

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view


Hide/show all vertices


action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

  • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

  • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

bpy.ops.paint.hide_show_lasso_gesture(path=None, use_smooth_stroke=False, smooth_stroke_factor=0.75, smooth_stroke_radius=35, action='HIDE', area='Inside', use_front_faces_only=False)#

Hide/show some vertices

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_smooth_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Selection lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path

  • smooth_stroke_factor (float in [0.5, 0.99], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • smooth_stroke_radius (int in [10, 200], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before selection continues

  • action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

    • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

    • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

  • area (enum in ['OUTSIDE', 'Inside'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Area, Which vertices to hide or show

    • OUTSIDE Outside – Hide or show vertices outside the selection.

    • Inside Inside – Hide or show vertices inside the selection.

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

bpy.ops.paint.hide_show_line_gesture(xstart=0, xend=0, ystart=0, yend=0, flip=False, cursor=5, action='HIDE', area='Inside', use_front_faces_only=False, use_limit_to_segment=False)#

Hide/show some vertices

  • xstart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Start

  • xend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X End

  • ystart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Start

  • yend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y End

  • flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip

  • cursor (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cursor, Mouse cursor style to use during the modal operator

  • action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

    • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

    • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

  • area (enum in ['OUTSIDE', 'Inside'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Area, Which vertices to hide or show

    • OUTSIDE Outside – Hide or show vertices outside the selection.

    • Inside Inside – Hide or show vertices inside the selection.

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

  • use_limit_to_segment (boolean, (optional)) – Limit to Segment, Apply the gesture action only to the area that is contained within the segment without extending its effect to the entire line


Hide/show all masked vertices above a threshold


action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

  • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

  • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

bpy.ops.paint.hide_show_polyline_gesture(path=None, action='HIDE', area='Inside', use_front_faces_only=False)#

Hide/show some vertices

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • action (enum in ['HIDE', 'SHOW'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Action, Whether to hide or show vertices

    • HIDE Hide – Hide vertices.

    • SHOW Show – Show vertices.

  • area (enum in ['OUTSIDE', 'Inside'], (optional)) –

    Visibility Area, Which vertices to hide or show

    • OUTSIDE Outside – Hide or show vertices outside the selection.

    • Inside Inside – Hide or show vertices inside the selection.

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view


Make an image from biggest 3D view for reprojection


filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Name of the file

bpy.ops.paint.image_paint(stroke=None, mode='NORMAL')#

Paint a stroke into the image

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • mode (enum in ['NORMAL', 'INVERT', 'SMOOTH', 'ERASE'], (optional)) –

    Stroke Mode, Action taken when a paint stroke is made

    • NORMAL Regular – Apply brush normally.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert action of brush for duration of stroke.

    • SMOOTH Smooth – Switch brush to smooth mode for duration of stroke.

    • ERASE Erase – Switch brush to erase mode for duration of stroke.

bpy.ops.paint.mask_box_gesture(xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, wait_for_input=True, use_front_faces_only=False, mode='VALUE', value=1.0)#

Mask within a rectangle defined by the cursor

  • xmin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Min

  • xmax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Max

  • ymin (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Min

  • ymax (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Max

  • wait_for_input (boolean, (optional)) – Wait for Input

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

  • mode (enum in ['VALUE', 'VALUE_INVERSE', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –


    • VALUE Value – Set mask to the level specified by the ‘value’ property.

    • VALUE_INVERSE Value Inverted – Set mask to the level specified by the inverted ‘value’ property.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the mask.

  • value (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value, Mask level to use when mode is ‘Value’; zero means no masking and one is fully masked

bpy.ops.paint.mask_flood_fill(mode='VALUE', value=0.0)#

Fill the whole mask with a given value, or invert its values

  • mode (enum in ['VALUE', 'VALUE_INVERSE', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –


    • VALUE Value – Set mask to the level specified by the ‘value’ property.

    • VALUE_INVERSE Value Inverted – Set mask to the level specified by the inverted ‘value’ property.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the mask.

  • value (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value, Mask level to use when mode is ‘Value’; zero means no masking and one is fully masked

bpy.ops.paint.mask_lasso_gesture(path=None, use_smooth_stroke=False, smooth_stroke_factor=0.75, smooth_stroke_radius=35, use_front_faces_only=False, mode='VALUE', value=1.0)#

Mask within a shape defined by the cursor

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_smooth_stroke (boolean, (optional)) – Stabilize Stroke, Selection lags behind mouse and follows a smoother path

  • smooth_stroke_factor (float in [0.5, 0.99], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Factor, Higher values gives a smoother stroke

  • smooth_stroke_radius (int in [10, 200], (optional)) – Smooth Stroke Radius, Minimum distance from last point before selection continues

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

  • mode (enum in ['VALUE', 'VALUE_INVERSE', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –


    • VALUE Value – Set mask to the level specified by the ‘value’ property.

    • VALUE_INVERSE Value Inverted – Set mask to the level specified by the inverted ‘value’ property.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the mask.

  • value (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value, Mask level to use when mode is ‘Value’; zero means no masking and one is fully masked

bpy.ops.paint.mask_line_gesture(xstart=0, xend=0, ystart=0, yend=0, flip=False, cursor=5, use_front_faces_only=False, use_limit_to_segment=False, mode='VALUE', value=1.0)#

Mask to one side of a line defined by the cursor

  • xstart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Start

  • xend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X End

  • ystart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Start

  • yend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y End

  • flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip

  • cursor (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cursor, Mouse cursor style to use during the modal operator

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

  • use_limit_to_segment (boolean, (optional)) – Limit to Segment, Apply the gesture action only to the area that is contained within the segment without extending its effect to the entire line

  • mode (enum in ['VALUE', 'VALUE_INVERSE', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –


    • VALUE Value – Set mask to the level specified by the ‘value’ property.

    • VALUE_INVERSE Value Inverted – Set mask to the level specified by the inverted ‘value’ property.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the mask.

  • value (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value, Mask level to use when mode is ‘Value’; zero means no masking and one is fully masked

bpy.ops.paint.mask_polyline_gesture(path=None, use_front_faces_only=False, mode='VALUE', value=1.0)#

Mask within a shape defined by the cursor

  • path (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorMousePath, (optional)) – Path

  • use_front_faces_only (boolean, (optional)) – Front Faces Only, Affect only faces facing towards the view

  • mode (enum in ['VALUE', 'VALUE_INVERSE', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –


    • VALUE Value – Set mask to the level specified by the ‘value’ property.

    • VALUE_INVERSE Value Inverted – Set mask to the level specified by the inverted ‘value’ property.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert the mask.

  • value (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Value, Mask level to use when mode is ‘Value’; zero means no masking and one is fully masked


Project an edited render from the active camera back onto the object


image (enum in [], (optional)) – Image

bpy.ops.paint.sample_color(location=(0, 0), merged=False, palette=False)#

Use the mouse to sample a color in the image

  • location (int array of 2 items in [0, inf], (optional)) – Location

  • merged (boolean, (optional)) – Sample Merged, Sample the output display color

  • palette (boolean, (optional)) – Add to Palette


Toggle texture paint mode in 3D view


Change selection for all vertices


action (enum in ['TOGGLE', 'SELECT', 'DESELECT', 'INVERT'], (optional)) –

Action, Selection action to execute

  • TOGGLE Toggle – Toggle selection for all elements.

  • SELECT Select – Select all elements.

  • DESELECT Deselect – Deselect all elements.

  • INVERT Invert – Invert selection of all elements.


Hide selected vertices


unselected (boolean, (optional)) – Unselected, Hide unselected rather than selected vertices


Deselect Vertices connected to existing selection


face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Step, Also deselect faces that only touch on a corner


Select linked vertices


Select linked vertices under the cursor


select (boolean, (optional)) – Select, Whether to select or deselect linked vertices under the cursor


Select Vertices connected to existing selection


face_step (boolean, (optional)) – Face Step, Also select faces that only touch on a corner


Select vertices without a group


extend (boolean, (optional)) – Extend, Extend the selection

bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_brightness_contrast(brightness=0.0, contrast=0.0)#

Adjust vertex color brightness/contrast

  • brightness (float in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Brightness

  • contrast (float in [-100, 100], (optional)) – Contrast

bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_dirt(blur_strength=1.0, blur_iterations=1, clean_angle=3.14159, dirt_angle=0.0, dirt_only=False, normalize=True)#

Generate a dirt map gradient based on cavity

  • blur_strength (float in [0.01, 1], (optional)) – Blur Strength, Blur strength per iteration

  • blur_iterations (int in [0, 40], (optional)) – Blur Iterations, Number of times to blur the colors (higher blurs more)

  • clean_angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Highlight Angle, Less than 90 limits the angle used in the tonal range

  • dirt_angle (float in [0, 3.14159], (optional)) – Dirt Angle, Less than 90 limits the angle used in the tonal range

  • dirt_only (boolean, (optional)) – Dirt Only, Don’t calculate cleans for convex areas

  • normalize (boolean, (optional)) – Normalize, Normalize the colors, increasing the contrast




Convert active weight into gray scale vertex colors

bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_hsv(h=0.5, s=1.0, v=1.0)#

Adjust vertex color Hue/Saturation/Value

  • h (float in [0, 1], (optional)) – Hue

  • s (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Saturation

  • v (float in [0, 2], (optional)) – Value


Invert RGB values

bpy.ops.paint.vertex_color_levels(offset=0.0, gain=1.0)#

Adjust levels of vertex colors

  • offset (float in [-1, 1], (optional)) – Offset, Value to add to colors

  • gain (float in [0, inf], (optional)) – Gain, Value to multiply colors by


Fill the active vertex color layer with the current paint color


use_alpha (boolean, (optional)) – Affect Alpha, Set color completely opaque instead of reusing existing alpha


Smooth colors across vertices

bpy.ops.paint.vertex_paint(stroke=None, mode='NORMAL')#

Paint a stroke in the active color attribute layer

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • mode (enum in ['NORMAL', 'INVERT', 'SMOOTH', 'ERASE'], (optional)) –

    Stroke Mode, Action taken when a paint stroke is made

    • NORMAL Regular – Apply brush normally.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert action of brush for duration of stroke.

    • SMOOTH Smooth – Switch brush to smooth mode for duration of stroke.

    • ERASE Erase – Switch brush to erase mode for duration of stroke.


Toggle the vertex paint mode in 3D view

bpy.ops.paint.visibility_filter(action='GROW', iterations=1, auto_iteration_count=True)#

Edit the visibility of the current mesh

  • action (enum in ['GROW', 'SHRINK'], (optional)) –


    • GROW Grow Visibility – Grow the visibility by one face based on mesh topology.

    • SHRINK Shrink Visibility – Shrink the visibility by one face based on mesh topology.

  • iterations (int in [1, 100], (optional)) – Iterations, Number of times that the filter is going to be applied

  • auto_iteration_count (boolean, (optional)) – Auto Iteration Count, Use an automatic number of iterations based on the number of vertices of the sculpt


Invert the visibility of all vertices


Set the weights of the groups matching the attached armature’s selected bones, using the distance between the vertices and the bones


type (enum in ['AUTOMATIC', 'ENVELOPES'], (optional)) –

Type, Method to use for assigning weights

  • AUTOMATIC Automatic – Automatic weights from bones.

  • ENVELOPES From Envelopes – Weights from envelopes with user defined radius.

bpy.ops.paint.weight_gradient(type='LINEAR', xstart=0, xend=0, ystart=0, yend=0, flip=False, cursor=5)#

Draw a line to apply a weight gradient to selected vertices

  • type (enum in ['LINEAR', 'RADIAL'], (optional)) – Type

  • xstart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X Start

  • xend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – X End

  • ystart (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y Start

  • yend (int in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Y End

  • flip (boolean, (optional)) – Flip

  • cursor (int in [0, inf], (optional)) – Cursor, Mouse cursor style to use during the modal operator

bpy.ops.paint.weight_paint(stroke=None, mode='NORMAL')#

Paint a stroke in the current vertex group’s weights

  • stroke (bpy_prop_collection of OperatorStrokeElement, (optional)) – Stroke

  • mode (enum in ['NORMAL', 'INVERT', 'SMOOTH', 'ERASE'], (optional)) –

    Stroke Mode, Action taken when a paint stroke is made

    • NORMAL Regular – Apply brush normally.

    • INVERT Invert – Invert action of brush for duration of stroke.

    • SMOOTH Smooth – Switch brush to smooth mode for duration of stroke.

    • ERASE Erase – Switch brush to erase mode for duration of stroke.


Toggle weight paint mode in 3D view


Use the mouse to sample a weight in the 3D view


Select one of the vertex groups available under current mouse position


Fill the active vertex group with the current paint weight