Sound Operators#


Update the audio animation cache

bpy.ops.sound.mixdown(filepath='', check_existing=True, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=False, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=True, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', accuracy=1024, container='FLAC', codec='FLAC', channels='STEREO', format='S16', mixrate=48000, bitrate=192, split_channels=False)#

Mix the scene’s audio to a sound file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • accuracy (int in [1, inf], (optional)) – Accuracy, Sample accuracy, important for animation data (the lower the value, the more accurate)

  • container (enum in ['AC3', 'FLAC', 'MATROSKA', 'MP2', 'MP3', 'OGG', 'WAV'], (optional)) –

    Container, File format

    • AC3 AC3 – Dolby Digital ATRAC 3.

    • FLAC FLAC – Free Lossless Audio Codec.

    • MATROSKA MKV – Matroska.

    • MP2 MP2 – MPEG-1 Audio Layer II.

    • MP3 MP3 – MPEG-2 Audio Layer III.

    • OGG OGG – Xiph.Org Ogg Container.

    • WAV WAV – Waveform Audio File Format.

  • codec (enum in ['AAC', 'AC3', 'FLAC', 'MP2', 'MP3', 'PCM', 'VORBIS'], (optional)) –

    Codec, Audio Codec

    • AAC AAC – Advanced Audio Coding.

    • AC3 AC3 – Dolby Digital ATRAC 3.

    • FLAC FLAC – Free Lossless Audio Codec.

    • MP2 MP2 – MPEG-1 Audio Layer II.

    • MP3 MP3 – MPEG-2 Audio Layer III.

    • PCM PCM – Pulse Code Modulation (RAW).

    • VORBIS Vorbis – Xiph.Org Vorbis Codec.

  • channels (enum in ['MONO', 'STEREO', 'STEREO_LFE', 'SURROUND4', 'SURROUND5', 'SURROUND51', 'SURROUND61', 'SURROUND71'], (optional)) –

    Channels, Audio channel count

    • MONO Mono – Single audio channel.

    • STEREO Stereo – Stereo audio channels.

    • STEREO_LFE Stereo LFE – Stereo with LFE channel.

    • SURROUND4 4 Channels – 4 channel surround sound.

    • SURROUND5 5 Channels – 5 channel surround sound.

    • SURROUND51 5.1 Surround – 5.1 surround sound.

    • SURROUND61 6.1 Surround – 6.1 surround sound.

    • SURROUND71 7.1 Surround – 7.1 surround sound.

  • format (enum in ['U8', 'S16', 'S24', 'S32', 'F32', 'F64'], (optional)) –

    Format, Sample format

    • U8 U8 – 8-bit unsigned.

    • S16 S16 – 16-bit signed.

    • S24 S24 – 24-bit signed.

    • S32 S32 – 32-bit signed.

    • F32 F32 – 32-bit floating-point.

    • F64 F64 – 64-bit floating-point.

  • mixrate (int in [8000, 192000], (optional)) – Samplerate, Samplerate in samples/s

  • bitrate (int in [32, 512], (optional)) – Bitrate, Bitrate in kbit/s

  • split_channels (boolean, (optional)) – Split channels, Each channel will be rendered into a mono file'', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=True, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', cache=False, mono=False)#

Load a sound file

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • cache (boolean, (optional)) – Cache, Cache the sound in memory

  • mono (boolean, (optional)) – Mono, Merge all the sound’s channels into one

bpy.ops.sound.open_mono(filepath='', hide_props_region=True, check_existing=False, filter_blender=False, filter_backup=False, filter_image=False, filter_movie=True, filter_python=False, filter_font=False, filter_sound=True, filter_text=False, filter_archive=False, filter_btx=False, filter_collada=False, filter_alembic=False, filter_usd=False, filter_obj=False, filter_volume=False, filter_folder=True, filter_blenlib=False, filemode=9, relative_path=True, show_multiview=False, use_multiview=False, display_type='DEFAULT', sort_method='', cache=False, mono=True)#

Load a sound file as mono

  • filepath (string, (optional, never None)) – File Path, Path to file

  • hide_props_region (boolean, (optional)) – Hide Operator Properties, Collapse the region displaying the operator settings

  • check_existing (boolean, (optional)) – Check Existing, Check and warn on overwriting existing files

  • filter_blender (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_backup (boolean, (optional)) – Filter .blend files

  • filter_image (boolean, (optional)) – Filter image files

  • filter_movie (boolean, (optional)) – Filter movie files

  • filter_python (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Python files

  • filter_font (boolean, (optional)) – Filter font files

  • filter_sound (boolean, (optional)) – Filter sound files

  • filter_text (boolean, (optional)) – Filter text files

  • filter_archive (boolean, (optional)) – Filter archive files

  • filter_btx (boolean, (optional)) – Filter btx files

  • filter_collada (boolean, (optional)) – Filter COLLADA files

  • filter_alembic (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Alembic files

  • filter_usd (boolean, (optional)) – Filter USD files

  • filter_obj (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OBJ files

  • filter_volume (boolean, (optional)) – Filter OpenVDB volume files

  • filter_folder (boolean, (optional)) – Filter folders

  • filter_blenlib (boolean, (optional)) – Filter Blender IDs

  • filemode (int in [1, 9], (optional)) – File Browser Mode, The setting for the file browser mode to load a .blend file, a library or a special file

  • relative_path (boolean, (optional)) – Relative Path, Select the file relative to the blend file

  • show_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Enable Multi-View

  • use_multiview (boolean, (optional)) – Use Multi-View

  • display_type (enum in ['DEFAULT', 'LIST_VERTICAL', 'LIST_HORIZONTAL', 'THUMBNAIL'], (optional)) –

    Display Type

    • DEFAULT Default – Automatically determine display type for files.

    • LIST_VERTICAL Short List – Display files as short list.

    • LIST_HORIZONTAL Long List – Display files as a detailed list.

    • THUMBNAIL Thumbnails – Display files as thumbnails.

  • sort_method (enum in [], (optional)) – File sorting mode

  • cache (boolean, (optional)) – Cache, Cache the sound in memory

  • mono (boolean, (optional)) – Mono, Mixdown the sound to mono


Pack the sound into the current blend file

bpy.ops.sound.unpack(method='USE_LOCAL', id='')#

Unpack the sound to the samples filename

  • method (enum in Unpack Method Items, (optional)) – Method, How to unpack

  • id (string, (optional, never None)) – Sound Name, Sound data-block name to unpack


Update animation flags