Poselib Operators¶
- bpy.ops.poselib.apply_pose_asset(*, blend_factor=1.0, flipped=False)¶
Apply the given Pose Action to the rig
- Parameters:
blend_factor (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Blend Factor, Amount that the pose is applied on top of the existing poses. A negative value will subtract the pose instead of adding it
flipped (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Flipped, When enabled, applies the pose flipped over the X-axis
- bpy.ops.poselib.blend_pose_asset(*, blend_factor=0.0, flipped=False, release_confirm=False)¶
Blend the given Pose Action to the rig
- Parameters:
blend_factor (float in [-inf, inf], (optional)) – Blend Factor, Amount that the pose is applied on top of the existing poses. A negative value will subtract the pose instead of adding it
flipped (boolean, (optional)) – Apply Flipped, When enabled, applies the pose flipped over the X-axis
release_confirm (boolean, (optional)) – Confirm on Release, Always confirm operation when releasing button
- bpy.ops.poselib.convert_old_object_poselib()¶
Create a pose asset for each pose marker in this legacy pose library data-block
- bpy.ops.poselib.convert_old_poselib()¶
Create a pose asset for each pose marker in the current action
- bpy.ops.poselib.copy_as_asset()¶
Create a new pose asset on the clipboard, to be pasted into an Asset Browser
- bpy.ops.poselib.create_pose_asset(*, pose_name='', activate_new_action=True)¶
Create a new Action that contains the pose of the selected bones, and mark it as Asset. The asset will be stored in the current blend file
- Parameters:
pose_name (string, (optional, never None)) – Pose Name
activate_new_action (boolean, (optional)) – Activate New Action
- File:
- bpy.ops.poselib.paste_asset()¶
Paste the Asset that was previously copied using Copy As Asset
- bpy.ops.poselib.pose_asset_select_bones(*, select=True, flipped=False)¶
Select those bones that are used in this pose
- Parameters:
select (boolean, (optional)) – Select
flipped (boolean, (optional)) – Flipped
- File:
- bpy.ops.poselib.restore_previous_action()¶
Switch back to the previous Action, after creating a pose asset