
Here are some preferences that you may wish to set initially. See the section Preferences for the complete list of available settings. The shortcut Ctrl-Comma can be used to quickly open the Preferences editor.

Auto-Save Preferences

By default, a new Blender installation is set to auto-save changes to preferences, so you don't accidentally lose a change you have made. To disable this behavior, perform these steps:

  1. Open the Preferences dialog

  2. Click on the small menu at the lower left (shown by 3 lines)

  3. Uncheck the box next to "Auto-Save Preferences"

  4. Click the "Save Preferences" button that will appear in the lower left of the dialog. Don't forget this step, as the change will not be saved otherwise.

To enable auto-save once again, simply follow steps 1-3 above and check the box in step 3.


Enable Edit ‣ Preferences ‣ Interface ‣ Translation, and choose the Language and what to translate from Interface, Tooltips and New Data.

See Language for details.


If you have a compact keyboard without a separate number pad, enable Preferences ‣ Input ‣ Keyboard ‣ Emulate Numpad. This gives you the 3D view shortcuts regularly used on the number pad.

If you do not have a middle mouse button, you can enable Preferences ‣ Input ‣ Mouse ‣ Emulate 3 Button Mouse. This allows you to hold the Alt or OSKey key while dragging with the mouse, to orbit.

See Configuring Peripherals for more information about these options, and see Input Preferences for details on configuring their settings.

File and Paths

At Preferences ‣ File Paths you can set options such as what Image Editor (GIMP, Krita...) and Animation Player to use.

The Temporary Directory sets where to store files such as temporary renders and auto-saves.


The // at the start of each path in Blender means the directory of the currently opened blend-file, used to reference relative paths.

See File Preferences for details.

Save & Load

If you trust the source of your blend-files, you can enable Auto Run Python Scripts. This option is meant to protect you from malicious Python scripts in blend-files that you got from someone else. Many users turn this option on, as advanced rigs tend to use scripts of some sort. Use caution, as this is a global setting, and may allow potentially malicious Python code from an untrusted source to run.

See Save & Load Auto Run Python Scripts Preference.