Help System

Blender has a range of built-in and web-based help options.



Tooltip of the Renderer selector in the Info Editor.

After hovering the mouse cursor over a button or setting for a few moments, a tooltip will appear.


The context-sensitive tooltip might contain some of these elements:

Short Description

Related details depending on the control.


A keyboard or mouse shortcut associated to the tool.


The value of the property.

Hovering over a color property will display a large swatch preview of the color and the color's hexadecimal, RGBA, and HSVA values.


Tooltip showing color information.


Source file of the active object. See also Linked Libraries.

Disabled (red)

The reason why the value is not editable.


When Python Tooltips are enabled, a Python expression is displayed for scripting (usually an operator or property).

Context-Sensitive Manual Access



All modes


Context menu ‣ Online Manual



You may want to access help for a tool or area from within Blender.

To do so, hover the cursor over the tool or button you need help with and use the keyboard shortcut or context menu item to visit pages of this reference manual from within Blender. This opens a web page relating to the button under the cursor, supporting both tool and value buttons.


We do not currently have 100% coverage. You may see an alert in the info header if a tool does not have a link to the manual.

In other cases, buttons may link to more general sections of the documentation.

Help Menu

Save System Info

This extracts system information which can be useful for including in bug reports, inspecting the configuration, or diagnosing problems.

You will be prompted to save a text file called system-info.txt.

It contains the following sections:


This section shows you the Blender version, details about the build configuration, and the path in which Blender is running.


The version and path of your Python installation.


Paths used for scripts, data files, presets and temporary files.

Those directories are configured using the Preferences Editor.


The version of the installed FFmpeg components and codecs.

Other Libraries

The version of other libraries used by Blender such as OpenColorIO, Alembic, USD, etc.


Shows the GPU vendor, version and the capabilities of your hardware and driver.

Implementation Dependent GPU Limits

Specific limits on GPU functions related to how the current version of Blender was compiled.


The instruction sets and capabilities of each hardware render device available for use with Cycles.

Enabled Add-Ons

Lists add-ons currently in use along with their versions and paths.