Unterstützte Bildformate


Dies ist die Liste aller Bilddateiformate, die von Blender intern unterstützt werden:











8, 16bit

.sgi .rgb .bw


8, 16bit




.jpg .jpeg

JPEG 2000

8, 12, 16bit

.jp2 .jp2 .j2c




Cineon & DPX

8, 10, 12, 16bit

.cin .dpx


float 16, 32bit


Radiance HDR




8, 16bit

.tif .tiff





Wenn sie an den technischen Details nicht interessiert sind, ist folgendes eine gute Daumenregel für die Auswahl eines Ausgabeformates ihres Projektes:

OpenEXR benutzen

wenn Sie beabsichtigen, mit diesen Bildern Compositing oder Color Grading zu betreiben.

PNG benutzen

wenn Sie beabsichtigen, etwas für den Bildschirm auszugeben oder in mehrere Videoformate zu kodieren.

JPEG benutzen

für die Ausgabe für Bildschirme, bei der die Dateigröße eine Rolle spielt und Qualitätsverluste hinnehmbar sind.

Alle diese Formate unterstützen Komprimierung, was wichtig für das Rendern von Animationen sein kann.


Bittiefen für Bildformate bezeichnen die folgenden Anzahlen von Tonstufen pro Kanal:


256 Stufen


1024 Stufen


4096 Stufen


65536 Stufen

Bilder öffnen

Relative Path

Sets the file path to be relative to the currently opened blend-file.

Vergleiche Relative Paths.

Detect Sequences

Automatically looks for image sequences in the selected images (based on the file name). Disable this when you do want to get single images that are part of a sequence. See Eine Bildsequenz öffnen for more information.

Detect UDIMs

Automatically looks for UDIM tiles in the directory of the selected image; if matches are found they are loaded into Blender as UDIMs. This works by detecting if the filename has a .xxxx (four digit number) before the file extension.

Eine Bildsequenz öffnen

To load image sequence in any of the supported image file formats, the filename of the images must contain a digit to indicate the frame order (e.g. *-0001.jpg, *-0002.jpg, *-0003.jpg, etc, of any image format), indicating the frame.

The sequence could be opened by the selection of the images with any of the following methods by the confirmation with the Open Image button or Return.


Navigate into the directory and LMB click and drag over a range of names to highlight multiple files. You can page down and continue Shift-LMB click-dragging to add more to the selection.


Shift-LMB click selected non-related stills for batch processing; each image will be one frame, in sort order, and can be a mix of file types (jpg, png, exr, etc.).


Press A to select/deselect all files in the directory.

Bilder speichern

File Format

Wählen Sie, in welchem Format das Bild gespeichert werden soll.


The color format to save the image or video to. This setting is used by some formats to optimize how much data is written to the file. Note, RGBA is not available for all image formats, check the list above for details.


Saves the image using grayscale colors.


Saves red, green and blue channels


Saves red, green, blue and alpha channels.

Color Depth

The exponent value (with base two) for how many colors can be represented within a single color channel. A higher bit depth will allow more possible colors, reducing banding, and increasing precision. Yet a higher bit depth will increase memory usage exponentially.

Note, not all file formats support every color depth configuration. Below is a list of commonly used depths:


Meist für Bildschirmgrafiken und Videos genutzt.

10, 12, 16-bit:

Wird für manche Formate verwendet, die auf Fotografie und Digitalfilme spezialisiert sind (z.B. DPX und JPEG 2000).

16-bit Half Float:

Während full 32bit float meist mehr als genug Genauigkeit bietet, kann half float Speicherplatz sparen und dennoch eine hohe dynamische Reichweite (high dynamic range) bieten.

32-bit Float:

Höchste Qualität der Farbtiefe.


Intern unterstützt Blenders Bildsystem außerdem:

  • 8 bits per channel (4 × 8 bits).

  • 32 bits float per channel (4 × 32 bits) – using 4 times as much memory.

Bilder mit mehr als 8 bit pro Kanal werden in float umgewandelt, sobald sie in Blender geladen werden.


Reduziert die Größe der Bilddatei. Wie genau dies erfolgt, ist abhängig vom Dateiformat und den verwendeten Einstellungen.


Controls the level of lossy compression applied to the image, expressed as a percentage. Lossy compression reduces file size by discarding some image data, which may result in a loss of detail.

  • 0%: Maximum compression, producing the smallest file size but the most noticeable quality loss.

  • 100%: No compression, preserving full image quality at the cost of a larger file size.

Save As Render

Save image with render color management. For display image formats like PNG, apply view and display transform. For intermediate image formats like OpenEXR, use the default render output color space.


Defines if the data-block will reference the newly created file or the reference will be unchanged, maintaining it with the original one.

Color Space

To specify the color space of the source file.

The list of color spaces depends on the active OCIO config. The default supported color spaces are described in detail here: Default OpenColorIO Configuration


Note, Cineon, DPX, OpenEXR, and Radiance HDR image types default to being saved in a linear color space.


Cineon & DPX

Cineon is Kodak’s standard for film scanning, 10 bits per channel and logarithmic. DPX has been derived from Cineon as the ANSI/SMPTE industry standard. DPX supports 16-bit colors/channels, linear as well as logarithmic. DPX is currently a widely adopted standard used in the film hardware/software industry.

DPX wie auch Cineon speichert und konvertiert nur den „sichtbaren“ Farbbereich mit Werten zwischen 0.0 und 1.0 (als Renderergebnis oder im Compositor).


ILM’s OpenEXR has become a software industry standard for HDR image files, especially because of its flexible and expandable structure.

An OpenEXR file can store multiple layers and passes. This means OpenEXR images can be loaded into a Compositor keeping render layers and passes intact.

Output Options (Ausgabeoptionen)

Verfügbare Optionen für die OpenEXR-Renderausgabe sind:

Color Depth

The exponent value (with base two) for how many colors can be represented within a single color channel. A higher bit depth will allow more possible colors, reducing banding, and increasing precision. Yet a higher bit depth will increase memory usage exponentially.

Float (Half):

Saves images in a custom 16 bits per channel in a floating-point format. This reduces the actual „bit depth“ to 10-bit, with a 5-bit power value and 1-bit sign.

Float (Full):

Saves images using 32 bits per channel in a floating-point format.


The type of compression to encode the EXR-file with.


Disables all compression for fastest encoding times but creates larger file sizes.


Lossless compression using Zlib on 16 row image blocks.


Lossless wavelet compression, effective for noisy/grainy images.

DWAA (lossy):

JPEG-like lossy compression on 32 row image blocks.

DWAB (lossy):

JPEG-like lossy compression on 256 row image blocks.


Lossless compression using Zlib, each image row compressed separately


Lossless run length encoding compression, works well when image rows have the same values.

Pxr24 (lossy):

Converts 32-bit floats to 24 bits then uses deflate compression. Pxr24 is lossless for half and 32-bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32-bit float data.

B44 (lossy):

Lossy compression for 16 bit float images, at fixed 2.3:1 ratio. B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.

B44A (lossy):

Lossy compression for 16 bit float images, at fixed 2.3:1 ratio with further compression on areas of flat color are further compressed, such as alpha channels.

Quality DWAA (lossy) DWAB (lossy)

Controls the level of lossy compression applied to the image, expressed as a percentage. Lossy compression reduces file size by discarding some image data, which may result in a loss of detail.

  • 0%: Maximum compression, producing the smallest file size but the most noticeable quality loss.

  • 100%: No compression, preserving full image quality at the cost of a larger file size.


When rendering animations (or single frames via command line), save a JPEG copy of the image, for a quick preview.

Radiance HDR

Radiance ist eine Sammlung von Werkzeugen zur Lichtsimulation. Da Radiance das erste (und lange Zeit einzige) HDR-Bildformat hatte, wird dieses Format von vielen anderen Software-Paketen unterstützt.

Radiance .hdr files store colors still in 8 bits per component, but with an additional (shared) 8-bit exponent value, making it 32 bits per pixel.