EEVEE uses a process called Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) which reduces Aliasing. TAA is sample based so the more samples the more aliasing is reduced at the cost of performance.
- Panel:
- Samples
Anzahl der Samples, die im 3D-Viewport benutzt werden sollen. Falls dieser Wert auf 0 gesetzt wird, wird der Viewport ständig neu gesampelt.
- Temporal Reprojection
Reduces noise while moving the viewport or during animation playback. Can leave some ghosting.
- Jittered Shadows
Enable jittered shadows on the viewport. Jittered shadows are always enabled for final renders. This also affects shadows casted by transparent shadows.
- Samples
Anzahl der Samples, die für das finale Rendering benutzt werden sollen.
- Rays
Number of rays to trace for each light. Higher values reduces the noise caused by random shadow sampling.
- Steps
Number of shadow map sample per shadow ray. Higher step count results in softer shadows but have a higher cost.
- Volumetric Shadows
Approximate light absorption of the surrounding volume objects. This makes the volumes more opaque to light. This is a very computationally expensive option and has limitations.
- Steps
Number of steps to compute volumetric shadowing.
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- Resolution
Resolution percentage of shadow maps.
- Light Threshold
Minimum light intensity for a light to contribute to the lighting. Used to compute the distance at which to cut-off lights influence. Lower values improve performance.
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Custom Distance overrides this setting.