Split To Instances Node#
![Split to Instance node.](../../../../_images/node-types_GeometryNodeSplitToInstances.webp)
The Split to Instances node splits up geometry elements into Instances (экземпляры), based on a Group ID.
- Geometry (геометрия)
Стандартный вход геометрии.
- Selection (Выбор)
Boolean field that is true for parts of the geometry to be evaluated. Parts not in the selection will not be in the node’s output.
- Group ID
ID field (integer) used to distinguish different groups.
- Domain
The domain on which the selection and group ID fields are evaluated.
- Point (точка):
The fields are evaluated on points, control points, and vertices.
- Edge (Ребро):
The fields are evaluated on the edges of the mesh component.
- Faces (грани):
The fields are evaluated on the faces of the mesh component.
- Spline (сплайн):
The fields are evaluated on the splines in the curve component.
- Instances (экземпляры):
The fields are evaluated on the top-level instances. Realized instances are ignored.
When selecting a domain that doesn’t modify all components, the unmodified components will not be present in the output.
Output (выход)#
- Instances (экземпляры)
input geometry splitted up as instances.
- Group ID
ID field from the input Group ID
Here, a grid is split into instances based on a voronoi texture, then translated randomly in Z. Note that the GroupID field expects different integers values (0, 1, 2, 3…), not floats (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), which is why the color needs to be multiplied by 1000.#