


Procesamiento ‣ Limitación


Iluminación directa

This option limits the maximum light intensity a surface can reflect. It reduces Aliasing noise and Fireflies at the cost of accuracy. Setting this option to 0.0 disables clamping altogether. Lower values have a greater effect on the resulting image than higher values.

Iluminación indirecta

Similar to Direct Light but limits the maximum light intensity reflected using ray-tracing and light-probes.


These options provide a way to limit Fireflies and Aliasing of highly reflective surfaces and dense volumes. However, note that as you clamp out such values, other bright lights will be dimmed as well.

Care must be taken when using this setting to find a balance between mitigating fireflies and losing intentionally bright parts.


Iluminación directa

The same as Surface Direct Light but for volume direct lighting.

Iluminación indirecta

The same as Surface Direct Light but for volume indirect lighting.