Topología dinámica#
- Modo:
Modo Esculpido
- Panel:
Dynamic Topology (aka Dyntopo) can be toggled with the checkbox. With dynamic topology active, most brushes will subdivide the mesh during the stroke.
For a general explanation of dynamic topology, visit the Introduction.
- Tamaño/Porcentaje de detalles, Resolución R
Each Detail Type’s detail is set here. Depending on the Detail Type being used this property will rather show as a pixel count (px), or percentage.
R allows you to interactively set the detail, with a preview of the detail’s density in the 3D Viewport.
- Tomar muestra de tamaño del detalle (ícono de cuentagotas)
When using Constant Detail, it is possible to sample the detail value of a certain mesh area by clicking the pipette icon next to the detail setting and then clicking on the area.
- Método de refinamiento
Setting the option will determine which of the methods will be used when altering the topology.
- Subdividir bordes:
Just like the Subdivide tool, this method will only subdivide topology to match the detail given.
- Colapsar bordes:
When topology is too dense, and is smaller than the detail given, edges will be collapsed to fit the detail size appropriately.
- Subdividir y colapsar:
This method combines the two methods, subdividing edges smaller than the detail size, and collapsing topology.
- Detallado
Dyntopo uses the following different detail methods to create dynamic detail on an object.
- Detalle relativo:
This method uses a detail size based on the number of pixels, and in turn will create topology in that size. Zoom out big details, zoom in small fine details.
- Detalle constante:
To keep detail uniform across the entire object, Constant Detail can be used. The detail is based on the percentage of a single unit.
- Detalle del pincel:
Giving more control over the topology, with this method you can create topology based on the brush size. You can increase and lower topology by resizing the brush itself. The detail size is based the size of the brush itself, where full detail will create topology the size of the brush radius itself.
- Detalle manual:
Similar to constant detail, this value sets a percentage value uniform across the object, but only applies detailing changes when using Flood Fill.
- Rellenar detalle Ctrl-R
When using Constant or Manual Detailing, this option is made available, allowing you to fill the entire object with a uniform detail, based on the detail size.