limbs.simple_tentacle (触角-简单型)#
Will create a simple bendy and stretchy b-bones tentacle chain, which can optionally replicate local rotation from preceeding bones to the subsequent ones for use in cases like fingers.
- X/Y/Z轴
Enables the automation on the selected axis. Multiple axis or none can be selected holding Shift-LMB. When enabled the subsequent control bones will copy the local rotations from the previous ones. The option is accessible in the controls of the final rig as a Copy Rotation constraint and can be disabled even after rig is generated, or at animation time.
- 指定
If enabled, allows placing the Tweak controls in different bone collections from the main controls.
Will create a bendy and stretchy finger chain with a master control bone that controls the rotation of all joints through its scale.
- 混合旋转轴 (自动, X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z)
- 柔性骨骼段 (整数)
- IK控制
To improve performance, the switchable parent for the IK control contains only one option beside None. Thus it is advised to add a 'held object' control using the basic.raw_copy rig to act as the common parent for the fingers with a fully functional parent switch.
- IK Local Location
Specifies the value of the Local Location option for IK controls, which decides if the location channels are aligned to the local control orientation or world.
- 指定
If enabled, allows placing the Tweak controls in different bone collections from the main controls.
- Assign Extra IK Layers
If enabled, allows placing the extra IK control in different bone collections from the main controls.
Rotation Axis (Bend Rotation Axis in the case of limbs.super_finger) affects the roll of the generated bones. Automatic mode recalculates the generated bones roll while any of the Manual modes copy the roll of the meta-rig bones.
limbs.super_limb (四肢)#
A backwards compatibility wrapper around limbs.arm, limbs.leg and limbs.paw.
limbs.arm (臂)#
Will create a fully featured bendy and stretchy arm depending on the user-defined options.
- IK腕部支点
- 旋转 X, Y, Z
- 柔性骨骼段 (整数)
- 自定义IK轴
- FK
If enabled, allows placing the FK chain in different bone collections from the IK bones.
- 指定
If enabled, allows placing the Tweak controls in different bone collections from the IK bones.
limbs.leg (腿)#
Will create a fully featured bendy and stretchy leg depending on the user-defined options.
- 足部枢轴(脚踝、脚趾、脚踝和脚趾)
- 分离IK脚趾
- Toe Tip Roll
Generates a slider to switch the heel control to pivot on the tip rather than the base of the toe (for roll this obviously only applies on forward roll).
- 旋转 X, Y, Z
- 柔性骨骼段 (整数)
- 自定义IK轴
- FK
If enabled, allows placing the FK chain in different bone collections from the IK bones.
- 指定
If enabled, allows placing the Tweak controls in different bone collections from the IK bones.
Will create a fully featured bendy and stretchy paw depending on the user-defined options.
要求:由四或五个连接的骨骼(大腿、小腿、爪子、可选 指、脚趾)组成的链条。
- 旋转 X, Y, Z
- 柔性骨骼段 (整数)
- 自定义IK轴
- FK
If enabled, allows placing the FK chain in different bone collections from the IK bones.
- 指定
If enabled, allows placing the Tweak controls in different bone collections from the IK bones.
Derivative of limbs.paw with extended IK suitable for use in front paws. The additional IK limits the degree of change in the angle between shin and paw bones (2nd and 3rd) as the main IK control moves and rotates.
- 足跟IK影响
Derivative of limbs.paw with extended IK suitable for use in rear paws. The additional IK tries to maintain thigh and paw bones (1st and 3rd) in a nearly parallel orientation as the main IK control moves and rotates.
limbs.super_palm (掌)#
要求:至少两个同一父母的骨骼子级。属性必须设置在内掌骨上(认为它是指数的掌骨) ,装配器控件将出现在最后一块掌骨上(认为它是小指的掌骨)。
- 两侧
- 旋转 X, Y, Z
limbs.spline_tentacle (触角-样条线型)#
This rig type implements a flexible tentacle with an IK system using the Spline IK constraint. The control bones define control points of a Bezier curve, and the bone chain follows the curve.
The curve control points are sorted into three groups: start, middle and end. The middle controls are always visible and active, while the other two types can be shown and hidden dynamically using properties; when enabled they appear next to the corresponding permanent start/end control and can be moved from there.
- Extra Start Controls
Specifies the number of optional start controls to generate.
- Middle Controls
Specifies the number of middle controls to generate.
- Extra End Controls
Specifies the number of optional end controls to generate.
- Tip Control:
Specifies how the curve stretching and the final control bone work:
- Stretch To Fit
Stretches the whole bone chain to fit the length of the curve defined by the controls.
An end twist control is generated to control the twist along the chain.
- Direct Tip Control
Generates an IK end control, which directly controls the final bone of the chain similar to how regular IK works for limbs, as well as controlling the end of the bezier curve. The middle bones of the chain stretch to follow the curve and cover the gap.
The rig automatically deduces twist of up to 180 degrees based on the orientation of the end control. Higher amounts of twist have to be dialled in through an End Twist Estimate slider to avoid flipping.
- Manual Squash & Stretch
This mode allows full manual control over the chain scaling, while the chain covers as much of the curve as it can given its current length.
The start control of the chain manages its uniform squash & stretch scale, while the end twist control manages both the twist of the chain, as well as its scale at the tip (blended gradually along the length).
- Radius Scaling
Allows scaling the controls to control the thickness of the chain through the curve.
- Maximum Radius
Specifies the maximum scale allowed by the Radius Scaling feature.
- FK Controls
Generates an FK control chain and IK-FK snapping.
- FK
If enabled, allows placing the FK chain in different bone collections from the IK bones.