Viewport Overlays



Tutte le Modalità


overlays-icon Overlays

Clicking the icon toggles all overlays in the 3D Viewport.


Cameras outline & passepartout are not considered Viewport overlays.

The drop-down button displays a popover with more detailed settings, which are described below.

Depending on the current object interaction mode, there may be a second button with yet more settings, which are also described here.


The following options are always present, independent of the current mode. Some of the overlays can be customized in the Viewport Preferences.



Mostra la griglia in vista laterale ortografica.


Show the ground plane in perspective view.


Show the X, Y and/or Z axis lines.


La distanza tra le linee nella griglia/piano.


Il numero di suddivisioni tra le linee della griglia.

Text Info

Show various bits of information in the top left corner of the viewport.

  • View Perspective – Name of the View Perspective, such as «Top Orthographic» or «User Perspective.»

  • Playback Frame Rate (FPS) – Displays the Frames Per Second at which the animation is playing. By default, Blender goes through every single frame, which may result in an FPS that’s lower than intended (and the animation playing slower than realtime); the FPS turns red in this case. You can change this behavior in the Playback popover of the Timeline.

  • Object Info – Shows the current frame in parentheses, followed by the names of the selected Collection and the active object. When applicable, also shows the selected Shape Key and (in angle brackets) the Marker on the current frame. If the object has a keyframe on the current frame, the Object Info is displayed in yellow.

  • Grid Resolution – When the view is aligned to a world axis (see Viewpoint), the Text Info additionally shows the smallest distance between two parallel grid lines.


Show information about the amount of objects and geometry. Note that the counters depend on the current selection. For example, selecting a mesh gives info on the number of vertices, edges, and faces, while selecting a light shows the number of lights in the scene.

  • Objects – Number of the selected objects and the total count.

  • Geometry – Displays information about the current scene depending on the mode and object type. This can be the number of vertices, faces, triangles, or bones.

Camera Guides

Show Camera guides (Safe Areas & Composition Guides), only available in camera view.

Anteprima HDRI

Show two spheres, one glossy and one diffuse, to preview the HDRI that’s being used for world lighting. While HDRIs can be used in both the Material Preview and Rendered shading modes, the HDRI Preview overlay is only available in the former.

Cursore 3D

Show the 3D Cursor.


Show annotations.



Show objects that don’t have geometry (such as empties, cameras and lights).

Light Colors

Shades the outline of light objects to the color the light produces.

Linee di Relazione

Show dashed lines indicating parent or constraint relationships.

Contorno Selezionato

Show an outline around selected objects.


Show Bones.

Percorsi di Movimento

Show the motion path overlay.


Show the origins of the selected objects.

Origine (Tutte)

Show the origins of all objects.

Bone Wireframe Opacity

The maximum opacity used for bones drawn in the Wireframe shading mode (or in Solid shading mode with X-Ray active). This is helpful when it is necessary to reduce clutter and focus on the mesh rather than bones.



Display mesh edges. Similar to Wireframe Shading, but displays edges on top of existing shading. The value slider adjusts which edges to display: lower values hide edges on surfaces that are almost flat, while a value of 1 shows all edges.


The opacity of the displayed edges, from 0 (invisible) to 1 (fully opaque).

Fade Inactive Geometry

In modes other than Object Mode, fade out objects that you’re not working on. The slider controls how much they’re faded out.

Orientamento Faccia

Show faces whose normal is pointing towards the camera in blue, and faces whose normal is pointing away from the camera in red. This lets you quickly check for faces that are oriented incorrectly: the outside surface of an object should typically be all blue.

Viewer Node

Visualizes Attributes connected to the Viewer Node.

Viewer Node

Visualize the value of the attribute connected to the Viewer Node as a grayscale color.

Color Opacity

Opacity of the attribute that is currently visualized.

Attribute Text

Show attribute values as text in viewport.

Tracciamento del Movimento

Show the motion tracking overlay.

Percorso Telecamera

Show the reconstructed camera path.

Nomi Marcatori

Mostra i nomi per gli oggetti traccia ricostruiti.


Change the display of the reconstructed tracks: plain axes, arrows and so on.


Cambia la dimensione di visualizzazione delle tracce ricostruite.

Mesh Edit Mode Overlays

The following options are available when in Mesh Edit Mode.


Highlight selected faces. Affects all selection modes.


Show face center points in solid shading modes. (They’re always shown in wireframe shading mode.)

Only affects face selection mode.


Visualizza i bordi contrassegnati da una piega per il Modificatore Suddivisione Superficie.


Display sharp edges, used with the Edge Split modifier.


Visualizza i pesi creati per il Modificatore Angolo.


Display the UV unwrapping seams.



This overlay is useful when you have a sculpted mesh with the desired shape and want to recreate it with better topology. It makes the edited mesh see-through (so that you can see the sculpted mesh underneath it) and optionally renders it in front of nearby geometry (so that you can see it underneath the sculpted mesh).


Distance to «move the edited mesh towards the camera.» Use this to display the mesh in front of other objects that would normally occlude it.

Pesi Gruppi Vertici

Visualize the weights of the active vertex group, much like in Weight Paint mode.

Pesi Zero

Display unreferenced and zero-weighted areas in black. This helps to identify areas with very low weights that have been painted onto.


I vertici vengono visualizzati nel solito modo.


Vertices are shown in black if they have no weight in the active vertex group.


Vertices are shown in black if they have no weight in any vertex group.

Analisi mesh

Show the Analisi mesh overlay.


Show numerical measures of the selected elements. The Unità can be set in the Scene properties.

Lunghezza del bordo

Mostra la lunghezza dei bordi selezionati.

Angolo Bordo

Mostra l’angolo dei bordi selezionati tra due facce.

Area Faccia

Mostra l’area delle facce selezionate.

Angolo Faccia

Mostra l’angolo della faccia selezionata tra gli angoli.


La geometria collegata alla selezione viene mostrata durante la trasformazione, consentendo di spostare un vertice e vedere, ad esempio, le lunghezze dei bordi collegati.


These values respect the Transform Space in the Sidebar. Use Global if you want the object’s scale to be applied to the measurements.

Vedi anche

The Measure tool for measuring arbitrary distances and angles.


  • Visualizza vertici normali

  • Mostra le facce normali ai vertici (divisioni normali)

  • Visualizza Faccia Normali


La dimensione per mostrare le normali selezionate.

Constant Screen Size Normals

Keep the size of normals constant in relation to the zoom level.


These overlays are only available if Developer Extras is enabled in the Interface Preferences.


Display the indices of selected vertices, edges, and faces.


These settings apply to the Freestyle Line Art renderer.

Marcatori Bordi

Display Freestyle edge marks.

Marcatori Faccia

Display Freestyle face marks.

Sculpt Mode Overlays


Show Masks as overlays on an object. The opacity of the overlay can be adjusted.

Face Sets

Show Face Sets as overlays on an object. The opacity of the overlay can be adjusted.

Vertex Paint Overlays

Stencil Mask Opacity

Does nothing. (Stencil masks are only available for texture painting.)

Mostra Fili

Display mesh edges in white (unlike the Wireframe overlay which shows them in black).

Weight Paint Overlays


L’opacità della sovrapposizione.

Pesi Zero

Display unreferenced and zero-weighted areas in black. This helps to identify areas with very low weights that have been painted onto.


I vertici vengono visualizzati nel solito modo.


Vertices are shown in black if they have no weight in the active vertex group.


Vertices are shown in black if they have no weight in any vertex group.

Mostra Contorni Peso

Mostra le linee di contorno formate da punti con lo stesso peso interpolato.

This visualizes weight variations too small to be seen from colors and can be useful for judging the smoothness and consistency of gradients, e.g. when using smoothing tools and brushes.

Mostra Fili

Display mesh edges in white (unlike the Wireframe overlay which shows them in black).

Texture Paint Overlays

Stencil Mask Opacity

Opacity of the stencil mask overlay.

Pose Mode Overlays

Dissolvenza Geometria

Show the bones on top and face other geometry to the back. The opacity can be controlled with the slider. Only available in Pose Mode.

Grease Pencil

These overlays are available when a Grease Pencil object is selected.

Onion Skin

Show ghosts of the keyframes before and after the current frame. If Multiframe is enabled, ghosts of the selected keyframes are shown instead. See Onion Skinning.

Fade Inactive Layers

Riduce l’opacità di tutti i livelli nell’oggetto diversi da quello attivo. Il fattore di opacità può essere controllato con il cursore.

Fade Inactive Objects

Cover all of the viewport except the active Grease Pencil object with a full color layer to improve visibility while drawing over complex scenes.

Dissolvenza Oggetti Grease Pencil

Include o Esclude oggetti Grease Pencil.

Edit Lines Edit, Sculpt, Weight Paint, or Vertex Paint Modes Shift-Q

Shows a line between points on top of other geometry when editing strokes.

Only in Multiframe Shift-Alt-Q

When Multiframe is enabled and keyframes other than the current frame are selected, strokes on those keyframes are displayed as just their edit lines – the strokes themselves are hidden. Note that this does not affect Onion Skinning.

Stroke Direction Edit

Toggle the display of the selected strokes” start points (green) and end points (red) to visualize their direction.

Material Name Edit

Show material name next to the selected strokes.

Vertex Paint

Vertex Paint Opacity Vertex Paint

The opacity of the vertex color overlay in Vertex Paint Mode and Draw Mode. Note that in Draw Mode, vertex paint is only visible in the Material Preview and Rendered shading modes by default. To see it in Solid mode, you either need to use Vertex Paint Mode, or set the Color shading setting to Attribute.


Display a grid over the Grease Pencil drawing plane.

Canvas Grid Opacity

The opacity of the grid.

Canvas X-Ray

Objects are drawn behind the canvas grid.


Il numero di suddivisioni tra le linee della griglia.

Grid Color

The color of the grid lines.

Scale X/Y

The horizontal/vertical size of the grid.

Offset X/Y

The amount to shift the grid up/down and left/right.