- Modalità:
Modalità Modifica
- Menù:
Subdividing adds resolution to the mesh by dividing faces or edges into smaller units.
This process follows a few rules depending on the situation:
When only one edge of a triangle or quad is selected, that face is turned into a quad or N-gon respectively. If the Create N-Gons option is disabled, the face is split into triangles instead.
When two edges of a face are selected:
If the face is a triangle, a new edge is created between the two new vertices, subdividing the triangle into a triangle and a quad.
If the face is a quad and the edges are neighbors, the face is split according to the Quad Corner Type setting (see below).
If the face is a quad and the edges are opposite, the quad is just subdivided in two quads by the edge linking the two new vertices.
When three edges of a face are selected:
If the face is a triangle, this means the whole face is selected and it is subdivided into four smaller triangles.
If the face is a quad, first the two opposite edges are subdivided as described above. Then, the «middle» edge is subdivided, affecting its new «sub-quad» as described above for only one edge.
When all four edges of a quad are selected, the face is subdivided into four smaller quads.
When one or more edges of an N-gon are selected, the individual edges will be subdivided but the face will stay unsubdivided.
These options are available in the Adjust Last Operation panel after running the operator:
- Number of Cuts
The number of cuts per edge to make. By default this is 1, cutting edges in half. A value of 2 will cut them into thirds, and so on.
- Smoothness
Displaces subdivisions to maintain approximate curvature. The effect is similar to the way the Subdivision Surface Modifier might deform the mesh.
- Create N-Gons
When unchecked, forces the subdivision to create triangles or quads instead of n-gons (see examples below).
- Quad Corner Type
Controls the subdivision for quads with two selected, neighboring edges.
- Inner Vertices
The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle. This edge is also subdivided, and the «inner vertex» thus created is linked by another edge to the one opposite to the original selected edges. This results in a triangle and two quads.
- Percorso
The selected edges are subdivided, then new edges are created between the new vertices as well as the existing outer vertices. This results in two triangles and a quad.
- Straight Cut
The selected edges are subdivided, then an edge is created between the two new vertices, creating a small triangle and N-gon. If Create N-Gons is unchecked, this option works like Inner Vertices instead.
- Fan
The quad is subdivided into a fan of a quad and two triangles, the common vertex being the one opposite to the selected edges.
- Fractal
Displaces the vertices in random directions after the mesh is subdivided.
- Along Normal
Causes the vertices to move along their normals, instead of random directions.
Along Normal set to 1.¶
- Random Seed
Changes the random seed of the Fractal noise function, producing a different result for each seed value.
Same mesh with a different seed value.¶
Below are some examples illustrating edge subdivision in various scenarios.

The sample mesh.¶