Subdivision Surface Node¶
The Subdivision Surface node adds new faces to mesh geometry using a Catmull-Clark subdivision method.
- Mesh
Standard geometry input.
- Level
The number of subdivisions to apply to the input geometry.
- Edge Crease
Controls how smooth edges should be with Weighted Edge Creases.
- Vertex Crease
Controls how much the subdivision surface should be pulled towards the vertex. Similar to edge creases, but allows individual vertices to be creased.
- Limit Surface
Places vertices at the surface that would be produced with infinite levels of subdivision (smoothest possible shape).
- UV Smooth
Controls how subdivision smoothing is applied to UVs.
- Nessuno:
UVs remain unchanged.
- Keep Corners:
UV islands are smoothed, but their boundary remain unchanged.
- Keep Corners, Junctions:
UVs are smoothed, corners on discontinuous boundary and junctions of three or more regions are kept sharp.
- Keep Corners, Junctions, Concave:
UVs are smoothed, corners on discontinuous boundary, junctions of three or more regions and darts and concave corners are kept sharp.
- Keep Boundaries:
UVs are smoothed, boundaries are kept sharp.
- Tutto:
UVs and their boundaries are smoothed.
- Boundary Smooth
Controls how open boundaries (and corners) are smoothed.
- Tutto:
Smooth boundaries, including corners.
- Keep Corners:
Smooth boundaries, but corners are kept sharp.
- Mesh
Standard geometry output.