Subdivision Surface Node#

Subdivision Surface Node.

O nó Subdivision Surface adiciona novas faces à geometria usando o método de subdivisão Catmull-Clark.



Entrada padrão de geometria.


O número de subdivisões para aplicar a geometria de entrada.

Edge Crease

Controls how smooth edges should be with Pesos de influência nos vincos das arestas.

Vertex Crease

Controls how much the subdivision surface should be pulled towards the vertex. Similar to edge creases, but allows individual vertices to be creased.


UV Smooth

Controls how subdivision smoothing is applied to UVs.


UVs remain unchanged.

Keep Corners:

UV islands are smoothed, but their boundary remain unchanged.

Keep Corners, Junctions:

UVs are smoothed, corners on discontinuous boundary and junctions of three or more regions are kept sharp.

Keep Corners, Junctions, Concave:

UVs are smoothed, corners on discontinuous boundary, junctions of three or more regions and darts and concave corners are kept sharp.

Keep Boundaries:

UVs are smoothed, boundaries are kept sharp.


UVs and their boundaries are smoothed.

Boundary Smooth

Controls how open boundaries (and corners) are smoothed.


Smooth boundaries, including corners.

Keep Corners:

Smooth boundaries, but corners are kept sharp.



Saída padrão de geometria.