- Panel:
These parameters specify how the individual particles are rotated at the start of, and during, their lifetime. You can visualize their orientation by setting Display As to Axis in the Viewport Display panel.
- Eixo de orientação
Aligns the X axis of new particles to:
- None
The global X axis.
- Normal
The emitter’s surface normal.
- Normais para tangentes
The emitter’s surface normal, additionally aligning the particle’s Y axis to the positive V direction in the emitter’s active UV map. This makes it possible to deform the emitter while keeping particle rotation consistent.
- Velocity / Hair
The particle’s initial velocity vector/hair growth direction.
- Global X, Y, Z
Um dos eixos globais.
- Objeto X, Y, Z
One of the emitter’s local axes.
- Aleatorizar
How much to randomize the particle’s initial rotation (along all axes).
- Fase
Initial rotation around the particle’s X axis, going from -1 (-180°) to 1 (180°).
- Randomize Phase
Maximum random rotation to add to the Phase, going from 0 (0°) to 2 (360°).
- Dinâmico
Whether the particles” rotation can change over time.
Velocidade angular#
- Panel:
Lets you configure if and how particles should spin over time. Dynamic needs to be enabled for this to work.
- Eixos
The axis to spin around. If this is set to Velocity, Horizontal, or Vertical, particles will additionally spin to keep the same orientation relative to their direction of movement, even if Amount is zero.
- None
Spinning is disabled.
- Velocidade
Spin around the particle’s velocity vector.
- Horizontal
Spin around the axis that’s horizontal (lying in the global XY plane) and perpendicular to the particle’s velocity. Particles moving along the global Z axis won’t spin because no unique rotation axis exists in this case.
- Vertical
Spin around the axis that’s perpendicular to both the particle’s velocity and the above Horizontal axis. Particles moving along the global Z axis won’t spin.
- Global X, Y, Z
Spin around the chosen global axis.
- Random
Spin around a random axis.
If you use a Curva guia and want the particles to always point in the direction of the curve, you should set the Orientation Axis to Velocity / Hair, enable Dynamic, and set the Angular Velocity Axis to Velocity.
(For a regular object, you’d normally use the Follow Curve option of a Follow Path Constraint or the legacy Follow option of the curve itself, but these don’t work for particles.)
- Quantidade
How fast to spin around the Axis.