Weight Paint Tools


Tool to use for any of the weight paint brushes.


Applies a linear/radial weight gradient; this is useful at times when painting gradual changes in weight becomes difficult. Blends the weights of selected vertices with unselected vertices.


Exemplo da ferramenta de gradiente sendo usada com os vértices selecionados.


A gradiente é iniciada no valor dos pesos de influência atualmente selecionados, e inicia a sua mesclagem até valores de pesos zerados.


Valores mais baixos podem ser usados de maneira que a gradiente seja misturada (mesclada) em conjunto com os pesos previamente existentes (bem como com os pincéis).


The shape of the gradient.


Create gradient that forms a straight line. Shift-LMB and drag.


Create gradient that forms a circle. Shift-Alt-LMB and drag.

Pesos de influência

Sets the brush Weight as the weight selected under the cursor. The sampled weight is displayed in the tool settings.

Vertex Group

Displays a list of possible vertex groups to select that are under the cursor.


Draw free-hand annotation.

Annotate Line

Draw straight line annotation.

Annotate Polygon

Draw a polygon annotation.

Annotate Eraser

Erase previous drawn annotations.