

There are some common causes for problems when using Blender. If you cannot find a solution to your problem here, try asking the community for help.

If Blender crashes on startup, there are a few things to check for:

  • 看看你的电脑是否符合最低要求

  • Confirm that your graphics card is supported and that the drivers are up to date.

Known causes listed below.


Blender 控制台窗口 能显示许多不同类型的状态和错误消息。有些消息只是告知用户 Blender 在做什么,但对 Blender 的运作能力没有实际影响。其他消息可能表示严重错误,这些错误最有可能阻止 Blender 执行特定任务,甚至可能使 Blender 无响应或完全关闭。 Blender 控制台窗口 也可以从 Blender 代码内部或外部源代码内部发起例如 Python 脚本

found bundled python: {DIR}

此消息表明 Blender 能够为嵌入在 Blender 中的 Python 解释器找到 Python 库。

Read prefs: {DIR}/userpref.blend
