블렌더 설치하기¶
Blender는 약 3 개월마다 출시됩니다. 릴리즈 노트 를 통해 최신 변경 사항을 확인할 수 있어요.
시스템 요구 사항¶
Blender is available for download on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Always check that your graphics drivers are up to date and that OpenGL is properly supported. Blender has a set of minimum and recommended requirements; so make sure these are met before trying to install Blender.
그래픽 태블릿 및 3D 마우스와 같은 다른 하드웨어에 대한 지원은 나중에 하드웨어 구성(Configuring Hardware) 에서 다룹니다.
블렌더 다운로드¶
Blender offers a variety of different binary packages to choose from depending on their level of stability. Each package has the trade off of newest features versus stability. The package that is right for you depends on your requirements for those two. A studio, for example, might want to have long-term support, while a hobbyist may want newer features, while others may just want to test upcoming features. Each package described below has something just right for everyone.
- 안정화된 릴리즈(Stable Release)
A package that contains the latest features and is considered stable without regressions. A new stable version is available roughly every three months.
- 장기적인 지원(Long-term Support)
A package designed for long-lasting projects requiring a very stable version of Blender. LTS releases are supported for two years and will not have any new features, API changes or improvements. A new long-term support version is available every year. These LTS releases will occasionally have minor patches (such as 4.2.6) which improve stability or fix critical bugs.
- Daily Builds
A package updated daily to include the newest changes in development. These versions are automatically built on a schedule. They are not as thoroughly tested as the release types above, and might break or crash. Builds marked as Alpha are still undergoing major changes and feature additions, while those marked Beta are feature-complete and are under development for refinement and stability.
Stability can be expected to increase from Alpha to Beta to Release Candidate (RC) to a final release.
- Build from Source
Blender’s source code is available for free to either reference or to build and use. While normal users are not expected to compile Blender, it does have advantages:
언제나 최신의 블렌더.
개발 중인 모든 부분이나 어떤 버전이라도 접근 가능.
자유로운 커스터마이징 가능.
Curious users can look through the source code and make small changes to see the effects to better understand how Blender works.
The procedure for installing a binary, either the latest stable release or a daily build, is the same. Follow the steps for your platform listed below.
Blender is designed to not require an internet connection, so it doesn’t have a built-in update system. This means you will need to update Blender yourself by following the platform-specific upgrade steps described in the sections below.