Action Editor

While the Dope Sheet mode lets you work with keyframes of all animation in the scene at the same time, the Action Editor mode focuses on the keyframes inside a single action.


The Action Editor.

Actions are Blender’s container for animation data. Objects and other animatable data-blocks reference actions to get animated by the animation data inside. Data-blocks can reference one action as their active action and additional actions through Nonlinear Animation tracks.

Action Menu

Merge Animation

This operator merges the animation of all selected objects into the animation of the active object. Since the data is moved and not copied, the source Actions might end up empty and without users. Note that this will not only merge the object level Action, but Actions on related data-blocks as well (See Related data-blocks). As a result of that this operator can also be used to merge Actions of one Object. For example Translation & Rotation and animation on Shape Keys.

Separate Slots

This splits all Slots of the Action on the active Object into separate Actions. All users of those Slots will be re-assigned to their respective Action and the newly created Actions are named after the Slot. The source Action will not be deleted, but might end up with 0 users if no Fake User is set.

Move Slots to new Action

This moves Slots selected in the Channels Region to a newly created Action. All users of those Slots are re-assigned to the new Action. If more than one Slot is selected, all Slots are moved into a single Action.

Push Down Action

Creates a new NLA track below the Action Track and moves the active action into it. This is the same as clicking Push Down Action in the NLA editor.

Stash Action

Creates a new muted NLA track at the bottom of the NLA tracks and moves the active action into it. In effect, this sets the action aside for later use, disabling it so it no longer affects the animation. Later, you can choose to either unmute it again or delete it.

If you click New Action in the data-block menu for an object that already has an active action, that previous action will be stashed automatically.


Both Push Down and Stash leave the object without an active action (meaning the Action Editor becomes empty and the action can no longer be edited). If you still want to make changes to the action, you can select it in the NLA editor and press Tab to enter Tweak Mode.