Text Editor(テキストエディター)#

This editor can be used to write Python scripts, Open Shading Language scripts, or just plaintext notes. To open it, you can switch to the Scripting workspace or press Shift-F11 to replace the current editor.



いつものように、 LMB を押しドラッグして離すとテキストが選択されます。RMB を押すと、コンテキストメニューが開きます。


The Text editor is also handy when you want to share your blend-file with others: you can leave a note that explains how the file is structured. Be sure to keep the editor visible when saving so they'll see it!



The most notable keystroke is Alt-P which executes the current text as a Python script. You can access not just the standard Python modules, but also a whole bunch of Blender-specific ones; see Scripting & Extending Blender.