Transform Gizmo

Transform Gizmo Node.

The Transform Gizmo node provides a compound gizmo that can control a position, rotation and scale.

The gizmo in the viewport.

Inputs – Уводи

Value – Значення

Special gizmo value socket. Everything that linked into this socket will be modified when the gizmo is modified.

Position – Позиція

Position of the gizmo in the local space of the object.

Rotation – Обертання

Local orientation of the gizmo.


The rotation input is ignored by the 3D viewport if the transform orientation is set to global.

Properties – Властивості

The node has properties in the sidebar which allow disabling parts of the gizmo. This can be useful when e.g. controlling only a translation or only a rotation.

Outputs – Виводи

Transform – Трансформа

Should be joined into the geometry that is controlled by this gizmo.