Dial Gizmo

Dial Gizmo Node.

The Dial Gizmo node is ideal for creating gizmos that control angles.

The gizmo in the viewport.

Inputs – Уводи

Value – Значення

Special gizmo value socket. Everything that linked into this socket will be modified when the gizmo is rotated.

Position – Позиція

Position of the gizmo in the local space of the object.

Up – Уверх

Up or normal direction of the gizmo in the viewport.

Screen Space

If enabled, the gizmo will always have the same size in the viewport independent of the zoom level. This affects the meaning of the radius input.

Radius – Радіус

In screen space mode, this is a factor on top of the default radius. Otherwise, this is the radius of the gizmo in Blender units.

Properties – Властивості

Color – Колір

Controls which theme color is used for this gizmo.

Outputs – Виводи

Transform – Трансформа

Should be joined into the geometry that is controlled by this gizmo.