Crease – Складка

Reference – Довідка

Mode – Режим:

Sculpt Mode – Режим Ліплення

Пензель – Brush:

Sidebar ‣ Tool ‣ Brush Settings ‣ Advanced ‣ Brush Type

Create sharp indents or ridges by pushing or pulling the mesh, while pinching the vertices together.

Crease can also be used to sharpen and polish existing creases. Enable pressure sensitivity on Strength to regulate the add/subtract effect while pinching creases.

Устави Пензля – Brush Settings

General – Загальне

Pinch – Прищемлення

Adds a consistent pinching effect to your stroke. If set to 0 it the brush will behave like the Draw brush. If set to 1 and the brush strength set to 0, the brush will behave like a Pinch brush.


More info at General – Загальне brush settings and on Advanced – Просунуто brush settings.