Header – Заголовок¶
View Menu – Меню «Огля件
- Toolbar T
Show or hide the Toolbar.
- Бічносмуга – Sidebar N
Показується або ховається бічносмуга – Sidebar.
- Tools Settings – Устави Засобів
Show or hide the settings for the currently selected tool.
- Preview During Transform
When enabled, previews the strip’s new first/last frame while dragging its left/right handle.
- Освіжити Усе – Refresh All
Reloads external files and refreshes the current frame preview. This is useful when you modified an external file or made a change in a scene that Blender didn’t detect.
- Frame Selected – Вибране в Кадр
Pan and zoom the view to focus on the selected image.
- Припасувати Передогляд у Вікно – Fit Preview in Window Home
Pan and zoom the view so that the entire video is visible. This enables Zoom to Fit.
- Zoom – Зум
Menu with convenient zoom levels and operations. The zoom levels are calculated based on the images resolution compared to the screen resolution.
12.5% (1:8) Numpad8 zoom out to a factor of 12.5%.
25% (1:4) Numpad4 zoom out to a factor of 25%.
50% (1:2) Numpad2 zoom out to a factor of 50%.
100% (1:1) Numpad1 resets the zoom to 100%.
200% (2:1) Ctrl-Numpad2 zoom in to a factor of 200%.
400% (4:1) Ctrl-Numpad4 zoom in to a factor of 400%.
800% (8:1) Ctrl-Numpad8 zoom in to a factor of 800%.
- Zoom In/Out Wheel – Зум До/Від
Zooms the view in or out.
- Zoom to Fit Shift-Home
Like Frame All, but uses as much space in the editor as possible.
- Zoom Region Shift-B
Zoom in the view to the nearest item contained in the border.
- Auto Zoom
As long as this option is enabled, the preview will automatically zoom to keep the video size synchronized with the editor size.
- Замісник – Proxy
See Замісник – Proxy.
- Рендер Зображення Секвенсера – Sequence Render Image
Show the current frame preview as a Render Result where you can save it as an image file.
- Рендер Анімації Секвенсера – Sequence Render Animation
Save previews of the frames in the scene range (or the preview range, if active) to a video file or a series of image files. See the Вивід – Output panel for details.
Sequence Render Image and Sequence Render Animation don’t render the final video by default – specifically, they don’t render Scene Strips, instead using the preview’s shading mode (which is initially Solid).
To output a video where the Scene Strips are rendered, use the Render menu in the top-bar, or change Sidebar ‣ View ‣ Scene Strip Display ‣ Shading to Rendered.
- Експорт Субтитрів – Export Subtitles
Exports Text strips, which can act as subtitles, to a SubRip file (
). The exported file contains all Text strips in the video sequence.
- Toggle Sequencer/Preview Ctrl-Tab
Switch the editor mode between Sequencer and Preview.
- Area – Область
Area controls. See the user interface documentation for more information.
Select Menu – Меню «Вибір»¶
Strip Menu¶
Image Menu¶
- Зчищення – Clear
Resets the position, rotation, or scale of the selected images.
- Apply – Застосування
- Scale to Fit
Resizes the selected images so that they’re as large as possible while still fitting completely inside the video. They don’t get cropped, and their aspect ratio stays the same.
- Scale to Fill
Resizes the selected images to that they fill the entire video space. They may get cropped, but their aspect ratio stays the same.
- Stretch to Fill
Resizes the selected images to match the video dimensions. They don’t get cropped, but their aspect ratio may change.
Pivot Point – Точка Опертя¶
Display Mode – Режим Показу¶
Display Channels – Показ Каналів¶
- Color & Alpha
Display the preview image with transparency over a checkerboard pattern.
- Color – Колір
Ignore the transparency of the preview image (fully transparent areas will be black).
Gizmos – Гізмо¶
See Gizmos – Гізмо.
Overlays – Наклади¶
See Overlays – Наклади.