Curves to Grease Pencil Node

Curves to Grease Pencil node.

The Curves to Grease Pencil node Converts top-level curve instances into Grease Pencil layers

Inputs – Уводи

Криві – Curves

Either plain curves or curve instances.

Selection – Вибрання

Either a curve or instance selection.

Instances as Layers

Create a separate layer for each instance. If instances are used, realized curve geometry will be ignored. Layer names will use the instance geometry name. If real curve geometry is used, a single layer is created with the input geometry’s name.

Properties – Властивості

Цей вузол наразі немає властивостей.

Outputs – Виводи

Grease Pencil – Нарисний Олівець

Standard Grease Pencil geometry.