Selecting (Selecteren)

All A

Selects all nodes.

None Alt-A

Deselects all nodes.

Invert Ctrl-I

Inverts the current selection.

Box Select B

See Box Select.

Circle Select (Cirkel Selectie)

See Circle Select.

Lasso Select (Lasso Selectie)

See Lasso Select.

Select Linked From L

Expand the selection to nodes which are linked to the inputs of the currently selected nodes.

Select Linked To Shift-L

Expand the selection to nodes which are linked to the outputs of the currently selected nodes.

Select Grouped Shift-G

Selects nodes that have similar properties as the active node.

Type (Type)

The node type, e.g. all Math nodes.

Color (Kleur)

The node color. (Nodes can be given a custom color to visually organize them in the editor; this is not related to any color information they might consume or produce as part of their function. The color can be set in the Sidebar.)

Prefix, Suffix

Matches the name property from start/end of the text.

Activate Same Type Previous/Next Shift-]/Shift-[

Finds the previous/next node of same type, activates it, and ensures it’s visible.

Find Node Ctrl-F

Shows a search pop-up for finding a node by name.

Select Multiple Shift-LMB

Add/remove a node to/from the selection.