Select All by Trait


Reference (Referentie)

Mode (Modus):

Edit Mode (bewerkingsmodus)


Select ‣ Select All by Trait ‣ Non-Manifold

Selects the Non-manifold geometry of a mesh. This entry is available when editing a mesh, in Vertex and Edge selection modes only.

Extend (Uitbreiden)

Lets you extend the current selection.


Selects all the edges that do not belong to any face.


Selects edges in boundaries and holes.

Multiple Faces

Selects edges that belong to three or more faces.

Non Contiguous

Selects edges that belong to exactly two faces with opposite normals.


Selects vertices that belong to wire and multiple face edges, isolated vertices, and vertices that belong to non-adjoining faces.

Loose Geometry

Reference (Referentie)

Mode (Modus):

Edit Mode (bewerkingsmodus)


Select ‣ Select All by Trait ‣ Loose Geometry

This selection depends on the currently selected Selection Modes; In vertex and edge selection mode it selects all vertices or edges that do not form part of a face. In face selection mode it selects all faces that do not share edges with other faces.

Interior Faces

Reference (Referentie)

Mode (Modus):

Edit Mode (bewerkingsmodus)


Select ‣ Select All by Trait ‣ Interior Faces

Selects faces where all edges have more than two faces.

Faces by Sides

Reference (Referentie)

Mode (Modus):

Edit Mode (bewerkingsmodus)


Select ‣ Select All by Trait ‣ Faces by Sides

Selects all faces that have a specified number of edges.

Ungrouped Vertices

Reference (Referentie)

Mode (Modus):

Edit Mode (bewerkingsmodus)


Select ‣ Select All by Trait ‣ Ungrouped Vertices

Selects all vertices which are not part of a vertex group.