Curve Spiral Node¶
The Curve Spiral node generates a poly spline in a spiral shape. It can be used to create springs or other similar objects. By default the spiral twists in a clockwise fashion.
Inputs (Inputs)¶
- Resolution
Number of points in one rotation of the spiral.
- Rotations
Number of times the spiral makes a full rotation.
- Start Radius, End Radius
Radius of the start point and end point of the spiral. The radius of the spiral changes linearly between the two values over the whole spiral.
- Height (Hoogte)
Height of the spiral.
- Omdraaien
Boolean value that changes the direction from clockwise to counterclockwise when it is enabled.
Properties (Eigenschappen)¶
Deze node heeft geen eigenschappen.
Outputs (Outputs)¶
- Curve (Curve)
Poly spline generated from the inputs.