ANT Landscape#

This add-on creates landscapes and planets using various noise types. A.N.T. stands for Another Noise Tool.


  • Open Blender en ga naar Preferences (Voorkeuren) en dan naar de Add-ons tab.

  • Click Add Mesh then A.N.T. Landscape to enable the script.

Interface (Interactievlak)#


Located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Add ‣ Mesh menu.

Located in the 3D Viewport ‣ Sidebar ‣ Create tab.


After creating your landscape mesh there are three main areas in the Adjust Last Operation (Laatste operatie aanpassen) panel to design your mesh.

  • Main Settings: Object and mesh related settings like size and subdivisions.

  • Noise Settings: Noise related settings that give shape to your terrain.

  • Displace Settings: Settings for terrain height and edge falloff.

Landscape Panel#


Landscape will create the mesh and add several panels and tools to the Sidebar.

Landscape Tools#

Mesh Displace

Displace selected mesh vertices along normal or X, Y, Z direction.

Weight from Slope

Generates a weighted vertex group slope map based on the Z normal value.

Landscape Eroder

Apply various kinds of erosion to an A.N.T. Landscape grid, also available in the Weights menu in Weight Paint Mode.

Landscape Main#

Here we can adjust the main settings and regenerate the mesh.

Smooth the mesh, Triangulate the mesh, Rename and add materials that you have in your blend-file.

Landscape Noise#

Here we can adjust the noise settings and refresh only those settings.

There are many settings and noise types that allow you to customize your landscape.

Landscape Displace#

Here we can adjust the displacement settings and refresh only those settings.

Adjust Height, Falloff and Strata in this section.


To Do



Add Mesh


Another Noise Tool: Landscape, erosion and displace.


Sidebar ‣ Create tab


ant_landscape folder


Jimmy Hazevoet


To Do



Support Level:



Deze add-on wordt meegeleverd met Blender.