



Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Composición


The method for blending the current strip with strips in lower channels. See Blend Modes for more information.


The transparency (alpha) of the strip.

When this property is animated, the opacity is drawn as an overlay on the strip. The overlay will look like a dark section that follows the animation curve. This can be hidden by disabling the F-Curves.




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Transformación


The technique used to estimate the values of pixels at non-integer coordinates within the image.


Automatically choose filter based on scaling factor.

  • No scale, no rotation, integer positions: Nearest

  • Scaling up by more than 2x: Cubic Mitchell

  • Scaling down by more than 2x: Box

  • Otherwise: Bilinear

Más Cercano:

No interpolation; uses nearest neighboring pixel (fastest).


Interpolate between 2×2 samples.

Cubic Mitchell:

Cubic Mitchell filter on 4×4 samples.

Cubic B-Spline:

Cubic B-Spline filter (blurry but no ringing) on 4×4 samples.


Averages source image samples that fall under destination pixel.

Posición X, Y

Usado para mover los fotogramas a lo largo de los ejes X e Y.

Escala X, Y

Escala la imagen en los ejes X e Y.


Rota la entrada en dos dimensiones a lo largo del eje Z.


Simetriza la imagen a lo largo del eje X (de izquierda a derecha) o el eje Y (de arriba a abajo).




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Recortar

Se utiliza para recortar la imagen de origen. Use Superior, Izquierda, Inferior y Derecha para controlar la cantidad de píxeles que se recortan.




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Video


Display every nth frame. For example, if you set this to 10, the strip will only display frames 1, 11, 21, 31, 41… of the source.

It is important to realize that this property is a float value. This allows you to strobe effect synced exactly to a beat.

Invertir Fotogramas

Plays the strip backwards starting from the last frame in the sequence.




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Color


Adjusts the vividness of colors in the image.


Multiplies the colors by this value. This will increase the brightness.

Multiply Alpha

Multiply alpha along with color channels when using the Multiply option.

Convertir a Decimal

Convierte la entrada en datos decimales.




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Sonido

El trabajo con sonido se documenta más en Clip de Sonido.


Adjusts the perceived loudness or intensity of the sound

When this property is animated, the volume is drawn as an overlay on the strip. The overlay will look like a dark section that follows the animation curve. This can be hidden by disabling the F-Curves. The value is also reflected in the waveform.


Used to pan the audio between speakers in multichannel audio. Only mono sources can be panned, if the source file is not mono enable Mono to mix the channels together.

This value basically represents the angle at which it’s played if you multiply the value by 90 degrees.

For stereo output panning works from left (-1) to right (1); where 0 means front/center, -1 means to the left and 1 to the right.

To address rear speakers, you can pan to those with the higher values; where -2 is back left, and 2 is back right.


For smooth animation you can assign values outside the soft bounds, since the angle wraps around over multiple rotations.


The number of audio channels can be configured in the Audio Output settings.

Display Waveform

Display an approximate waveform of the sound file inside of the Sound strip. The waveform reflects strip volume and its animation using keyframes.

El audio recortado, es decir, los valores superiores al 100 % de amplitud, se mostrarán en rojo en la forma de onda.


Mixdown all audio channels into a single channel.




Barra Lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Tiempo

El panel Tiempo se usa para controlar la fuente y la posición de la línea de tiempo del clip.

Bloqueado (ícono de candado)

Prevents the strip from being moved (found in the panel header).

Show Retiming Keys

Toggle visibility and selectability of Retiming keys.


Cambia el número del canal o fila del clip.


Changes the starting frame number of the strip, which is the same as selecting and moving the strip.


Changes the length, in frames of the strip. This works by changing the end frame, which is the same as selecting and moving the strip’s right handle.


Specifies the ending time and ending frame number for the strip.

Desplazamiento clip Inicio / Fin

Can be used to either extend the strip beyond the end frame by repeating the last frame. Or it can be used to shorten the strip, as if you were cropping the end frame. This is the same as adjusting the strip handles.

Desplazamiento congelado Inicio / Fin

Offset of the uncut strip content.

Fotograma actual

The frame number relative to the start of the active strip.




Barra lateral ‣ Clip ‣ Origen

The Source panel is used to control sources of the strip such as filename and file path and various methods of interpreting these files.


The directory that contains the source file. When the file is moved, the path can be updated instead of recreating the strip.


The file name of the source file. For image strips showing an image sequence, this will be different for each frame.

Cambiar datos/archivos

Same as the Path and File fields, but this time combined to open the File Browser in order to find the file(s) you search. Same as Strip ‣ Inputs ‣ Change Paths/Files.

Espacio de color

Para especificar el espacio de color del archivo de origen.

La lista de espacios de color depende de la Configuración OCIO activa. Los espacios de color compatibles predeterminados se describen en detalle aquí: Configuración predeterminada de OpenColorIO

Modo del alfa

If the source file has an Alpha (transparency) channel, you can choose:

Straight Alpha or Premultiplied Alpha

Identificador de fuente Clips de video

For files with several movie streams, use the stream with the given index.


Removes fields in a video file. For example, if it is an analog video and it has even or odd interlacing fields.

Información del origen

Mostrará información sobre el clip.


Resolution of the active strip image output.

FPS Clips de video

The frame rate encoded into the video file. If this value does not match the scene Frame Rate the perceived speed of the media will be wrong unless the speed is changed to account for the difference in frame rate.

Opciones de clips de sonido#


Menú de bloque de datos para seleccionar un sonido.


Path to the sound file used by this data-block menu.


Pack sound into the blend-file.


El archivo de sonido será decodificado y se cargado en la memoria RAM.

Información del origen

Mostrará información sobre el clip.

Frecuencia de muestreo

La cantidad de muestras por segundo usadas al codificar el audio.


La cantidad de canales de audio codificados en la fuente de audio.