Screw Modifier#
The Screw modifier is similar to the Screw tool in the Toolbar, in that it takes a profile object, a mesh or a curve, to create a helix-like shape.
The profile should be properly aligned to the cardinal direction of the object rather than to the screw axis.
- Ángulo
Degrees for a single helix revolution.
- Enroscar
Offsets the revolution along its axis.
- Iteracciones
Number of revolutions.
- Eje
The axis along which the helix will be built.
- Enroscar
The height of one helix iteration.
- Objeto de Ejes
The name of an object to define the axis direction.
- Object Screw
Use the distance from the Axis Object to define the height of one helix iteration.
- Steps Viewport
Number of steps used for a single revolution displayed in the 3D Viewport.
- Procesar
As above, but used during render time. Increase to improve quality.
- Fusionar
Merge vertices that lie on the axis of rotation. Use this to close off end points with a triangle fan.
- Distancia de Fusión
Vertices under this distance to the axis are merged.
- Stretch UVs
Stretch the UV coordinates from (0.0 to 1.0) when UVs are present.
- Smooth Shading
Output faces with smooth shading rather than flat shading. The smooth/flat shading of the input geometry is not preserved.
- Calculate Order
Order of edges is calculated to avoid problems with normals and shading. Only needed for meshes, not curves.
- Invertir
Flip normals direction.