Boolean Math Node#
The Boolean Math node performs a basic logical operation on its inputs.
- Booleana
Two standard Boolean inputs.
- Modo
- Y:
Cierto cuando ambas entradas sean ciertas. (Y)
- Or:
Cierto cuando al menos una entrada sea cierta. (O)
- Not:
Opuesto a la entrada. (NO)
- Not And:
(True when at least one input is false. NAND)
- Nor:
Verdadero cuando ambas entradas sean falsas. (No O)
- Igual:
True when both inputs are equal. Also known as «exclusive nor». (XNOR)
- Not Equal:
(XOR) True when both inputs are different. Also known as «exclusive or».
- Imply:
True unless the first input is true and the second is false. (IMPLY)
- Sustraer:
True when the first input is true and the second is false. Also known as «»not imply». (NIMPLY)
- Booleana
Salida booleana estándar.