

Show the context menu for a data-block with RMB on the icon or name. Depending on the type of the preselected data-block(s), you will have all or part of the following options:


Copy/pastes selected data-blocks.



Select, Select Hierarchy, Deselect

Add object to current selection without making it the active one.


Collections are a way Blender uses to organize scenes. Collections contain objects and everything else in a scene. They can include collections themselves and are fully recursive.


Read more about Collections.



Duplicate Collections(コレクションを複製)


Duplicate Linked(リンク複製)

Duplicate entire hierarchy keeping content linked with original.

Delete Hierarchy(階層を削除)

Deletes the collection and removes all its child objects or collections. It is important to note that this only deletes the collection, if child objects are part of another collection they will stay in the scene collection and their data-blocks will not be deleted from the blend-file.

Instance to Scene(シーンにインスタンス作成)

新しい コレクションインスタンス を作成します。




Hides all collections except the selected collection and any parent collections (if any exist).


Shows/Hides the selected collection from the View Layer.

Show/Hide Inside(内側をすべて表示/隠す)

Shows/Hides all items that are a member of the selected collection, include child collections, from the View Layer.

Enable/Disable in Viewports(ビューポートで有効/無効)

Enables/disables drawing in the View Layer.

Enable/Disable in Renders(レンダーで有効/無効)


View Layer(ビューレイヤー)

コレクションと View Layer(ビューレイヤー) との相互作用を制御します。

Disable/Enable in View Layer(ビューレイヤーで無効/有効)

Disables/Enables the collection from the view layer.

Set Color Tag(カラータグを設定)

選択したコレクションにコレクションの Color Tag(カラータグ) を割り当てるか、クリアします 。

ID Data(IDデータ)#


To unlink a data-block from its "owner" (e.g. a material from its mesh).

Make Local(ローカル化)

To create a "local" duplicate of this data-block.

Make Single User(シングルユーザー化)

This feature is not yet implemented.



Make Library Override

Make a local override of this linked data-block.

Make Library Override Hierarchy

Make a local override of this linked data-block, and its hierarchy of dependencies.

Reset Library Override

Reset this local override to its linked values.

Reset Library Override Hierarchy

Reset this local override to its linked values, as well as its hierarchy of dependencies. This allows you to update local overrides when the relationship between data-blocks changed in the linked library data.

Resync Library Override Hierarchy

Rebuilds the local override from its linked reference, as well as its hierarchy of dependencies.

Delete Library Override Hierarchy

Deletes the local override (including its hierarchy of override dependencies) and relinks its users to the linked data-blocks.

Remap Users(ユーザーをリマップ)

Remap Users of a data-block to another one (of same type of course). This means you can e.g. replace all usages of a material or texture by another one.


Copy/pastes selected data-blocks.

Add Fake User, Clear Fake User

Adds a "dummy" (fake) user so that the selected data-block always gets saved even if it has no users. The fake user can be removed with Clear Fake User.

Rename(名前変更) F2


Select Linked(リンク選択)

Selects the linked data, see Select Linked(リンク選択) for more information.

Mark as Asset(アセットとしてマーク)#

Creating an Asset を参照してください。

Clear Asset(アセットをクリア)#

Removing Assets を参照してください。

Clear Asset (Set Fake User)(アセットをクリア(フェイクユーザーを設定))#

Removing Assets を参照してください。


The view menu is part of the context menu and supported in all the Outliner elements.

Show Active(アクティブを表示) Period

Centers the Tree View to selected object.

Show Hierarchy Home

To collapse all levels of the tree.

Show/Hide One Level(階層を一つ展開/たたむ) NumpadPlus/ NumpadMinus

Expand one level down in the tree or collapse one level using the keyboard shortcuts.