Geometry Node Editor

The Geometry Node editor is used to edit Node Groups which are used by the Geometry Node Modifier. Such a node group can define many operations to modify an object’s geometry.

A list of all Geometry Nodes is available in the modeling section. Also see the Nodes page for information on working with nodes in general.




See Selecting Nodes.


See Anotações.

Links Cut

See Cut Links.

Tool Context

These popover menus are displayed in the header when the tool context is enabled. These properties determine where the tool is available in the user interface.

See Supported Modes & Object Types for more information.


The Tipos de objetos the tool supports.


The node tree supports Mesh Objects.


The node tree supports Curve Objects.


The Object Modes the tool supports.

Modo de Objeto

The node group can be used in Object mode.

Edit Mode

The node group can be used in edit mode.

Modo de escultura

The node group can be used in Sculpt Mode.


Wait for Click

Wait for a mouse click input (LMB) before running the operator from a menu. This is useful for the Mouse Position Node.