Lattice Modifier

The Lattice modifier deforms the base object according to the shape of a Lattice object. Objects to be deformed can be meshes, curves, surfaces, text, lattices and even particles.


A Lattice modifier can quickly be added to selected objects by parenting them using the Lattice Deform option.



The Lattice modifier.


O objeto Lattice para deformar o objeto base.

Vertex Group

An optional vertex group name which lets you limit the modifier’s effect to a part of the base mesh.

Inverter <->

Inverte a influência do grupo de vértices selecionado, o que significa que o grupo agora representa vértices que não serão deformados pelo modificador.

The setting reverses the weight values of the group.


A factor to control blending between original and deformed vertex positions.


Why would you use a lattice to deform a mesh instead of deforming the mesh itself in Edit Mode? There are a couple of reasons for that:

  • If your object has a large number of vertices, it would be difficult to edit portions of it quickly in Edit Mode. Using a lattice will allow you to deform large portions efficiently.

  • The smooth deformation you get from a Lattice modifier can be hard to achieve manually.

  • Multiple objects can use the same lattice, thus allowing you to edit multiple objects at once.

  • Like all modifiers, it is non-destructive. Meaning all changes happen on top of the original geometry, which you can still go back to and edit without affecting the deformation.

  • A lattice does not affect the texture coordinates of a mesh’s surface.


When using a lattice to deform particles, order in the modifier stack matters. You need to place the Lattice modifier after the Particle System one.