- Mode:
Modo de Objeto
- Menu:
Converts the selected mesh or text object into a curve object.
For mesh objects: Only loose edges (edges not part of any faces) will be included in the conversion.
For text objects: The text is converted into curve outlines, preserving its shape.
The resulting curve will be Poly Curve by default. To create smooth segments, convert the curve to a Bézier Curve using Set Spline Type.
- Mode:
Modo de Objeto
- Menu:
Converts the selected curve, metaball, surface, or text object to a mesh object. The actual defined resolution of these objects will be taken into account for the conversion. Note that it also keeps the faces and volumes created by closed and extruded curves.
Lápis de cera¶
- Mode:
Modo de Objeto
- Menu:
Converts the selected curve, mesh or text object to a Grease Pencil object with strokes matching the curve, mesh, or text; basic materials are also added. When multiple curves, meshes, or texts are selected, they are all converted into the same Grease Pencil object.
- Keep Original
Duplicates the original object before converting it.
- Espessura
Espessura dos traços.
- Threshold Angle
Threshold value that determines the strokes end.
- Stroke Offset
Define deslocamento para separar traços de traços preenchidos.
- Only Seam Edges
Converte apenas arestas marcadas como seam.
- Export Faces
Converte faces como traços preenchidos.
Trace Image to Grease Pencil¶
- Mode:
Modo de Objeto
- Menu:
Convert to Mesh Plane¶
- Mode:
Modo de Objeto
- Menu:
Converts the selected image empty to a textured mesh plane.
For a description of the options see Import Images as Planes.