Modificador Vertex Weight Proximity¶
Esse modificador define os pesos do grupo de vértices escolhido, baseado na distãncia entre o objeto (ou seus vértices), e outro objeto alvo (ou sua geometria).
Este modificador faz a fixação implícita de valores de pesos no intervalo padrão (0.0 a 1.0). Todos valores abaixo de 0.0 serão definidos como 0.0, e todos valores acima de 1.0 serão definidos como 1.0.
You can view the modified weights in Weight Paint Mode. This also implies that you will have to disable the Vertex Weight Proximity modifier if you want to see the original weights of the vertex group you are editing.

O painel do modificador Vertex Weight Proximity.¶
- Vertex Group
O grupo de vértices que será afetado.
- Target Object
O objeto a partir do qual computar as distâncias.
- Proximity Mode
- Distância do objeto
Use the distance between the modified mesh object and the target object as weight for all vertices in the affected vertex group.
- Distância da geometria
Use the distance between each vertex and the target object, or its geometry.
- Vertex
This will set each vertex’s weight from its distance to the nearest vertex of the target object.
- Edge
This will set each vertex’s weight from its distance to the nearest edge of the target object.
- Face
This will set each vertex’s weight from its distance to the nearest face of the target object.
If you enable more than one of them, the shortest distance will be used. If the target object has no geometry (e.g. an empty or camera), it will use the location of the object itself.
- Lowest
Distância mapeando para peso 0.0.
- Highest
Distância mapeando para peso 1.0.
Lowest can be set above Highest to reverse the mapping.
- Normalize Weights
Scale the weights in the vertex group to keep the relative weight but the lowest and highest values follow the full 0 - 1 range.
- Tipo
Type of mapping.
- Linear
No mapping.
- Custom Curve
Allows you to manually define the mapping using a curve.
- Sharp, Smooth, Root and Sphere
These are classical mapping functions, from spikiest to roundest.
- Random
Uses a random value for each vertex.
- Passos em média
Creates binary weights (0.0 or 1.0), with 0.5 as cutting value.
- Invert
Inverts the falloff.
Those settings are the same for the three Vertex Weight modifiers, see the Vertex Weight Edit modifier page.
This example shows the usage of distance from a target object to dynamically control a Wave modifier with a modified vertex group:
The blend-file, TEST_1 scene.