
GPU(图形处理器) 渲染能够使用你的显卡进行渲染,而不是CPU。这会加快渲染速度,因为如今GPU的设计旨在能够胜任大量运算方面的应用。另一方面,由于显存容量有限,它们在渲染复杂场景时也有一些限制,并且在使用相同的显卡进行显示和渲染时会出现交互性问题。

To enable GPU rendering, go into the Preferences ‣ System ‣ Cycles Render Devices, and select either CUDA, OptiX, HIP, oneAPI, or Metal. Next, you must configure each scene to use GPU rendering in Properties ‣ Render ‣ Device.




CUDA 在Windows和Linux上被支持,需要计算能力为3.0及以上的Nvidia显卡。为了确保你的GPU被支持,请看 Nvidia显卡列表,其中有计算能力和支持的显卡。

OptiX -- NVIDIA#

OptiX is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a Nvidia graphics cards with compute capability 5.0 and higher and a driver version of at least 470. To make sure your GPU is supported, see the list of Nvidia graphics cards.

OptiX takes advantage of hardware ray-tracing acceleration in RTX graphics cards, for improved performance.

GPU acceleration for OpenImageDenoise is available for compute capability 7.0 and higher, which includes all NVIDIA RTX cards.


HIP is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a AMD graphics card with the Vega architecture or newer. Both discrete GPUs and APUs are supported.


  • Radeon RX Vega 系列(不包括 Radeon VII)

  • Radeon RX 5000 系列

  • Radeon RX 6000 系列

  • Radeon RX 7000 系列

  • Radeon Pro WX 9100

  • Radeon Pro W6000 系列


  • Windows:Radeon软件 21.12.1 或 Radeon PRO软件 21.Q4

  • Linux:Radeon软件 22.10 或 ROCm 5.3

请参考 AMD网站,了解更多关于AMD显卡及其架构的信息。

On Windows, experimental hardware ray-tracing support is available with the most recent drivers. This can be enabled in the preferences. However there are currently known issues regarding motion blur, hair rendering and degenerate triangle shapes.

GPU accelerated denoising is available on discrete Radeon RX 6000 and Radeon RX 7000 GPUs.

oneAPI -- 英特尔#

oneAPI is a computation library that is supported on Windows and Linux and requires a Intel® Arc™ graphics card with the Xe HPG architecture. Hardware acceleration for ray-tracing and denoising is supported.


  • 英特尔® 锐炫™ A-系列


  • Windows:英特尔图形驱动 XX.X.101.5518

  • Linux: intel-level-zero-gpu package 1.3.27642, typically available through the intel-compute-runtime package XX.XX.27642.38

关于英特尔显卡及其架构的更多信息,请参考 英特尔网站

GPU accelerated denoising is available on all supported GPUs.

Metal -- Apple (macOS)#

Metal is supported on Apple computers with Apple Silicon, AMD and Intel graphics cards. macOS 13.0 or newer is required to support all features and graphics cards.

Using AMD graphics cards with Metal has a number of limitations. Light Trees and Shadow Caustics are not supported, and the Principled Hair BSDF causes poor rendering performance.

GPU accelerated denoising is available on Apple Silicon.




On older GPU generations, graphics cards can only either render or draw the user interface. This can make Blender unresponsive while it is rendering. Heavy scenes can also make Blender unresponsive on newer GPUs, when using a lot of memory or executing expensive shaders, however this is generally less of a problem.

The only complete solution for this is to use a dedicated GPU for rendering, and another for display.


可能有多种原因,但最常见的原因是你的显卡上没有足够的内存。通常情况下,GPU只能使用GPU上的内存量(更多信息请参见 多个GPU会增加可用内存吗? )。这通常比CPU可以访问的系统内存量小得多。对于CUDA、OptiX、HIP和Metal设备,如果GPU内存已满,Blender会自动尝试使用系统内存。这对性能有影响,但通常还是会比使用CPU渲染的速度快。


可以。打开 偏好设置 ‣ 系统 ‣ 计算设备面板,按需进行设置即可。


Typically, no, each GPU can only access its own memory.

The exception is NVIDIA GPUs connected with NVLink, where multiple GPUs can share memory at a small performance cost. This is can be enabled with Distributed Memory Across Devices in the preferences.


取决于所使用的硬件。根据测试场景,不同的技术所需的计算时间也有差异。有关不同设备性能的最新信息,请浏览 Blender Open Data


In case of problems, be sure to install the official graphics drivers from the GPU manufacturers website, or through the package manager on Linux. The graphics drivers provided by the computer manufacturer can sometimes be outdated or incomplete.




使用较小的纹理分辨率是减少内存使用量的一种方法。比如,8k、4k、2k 和 1k 图像纹理分别占 256MB、64MB、16MB 和 4MB 的内存。

The NVIDIA OpenGL driver lost connection with the display driver#


Another solution can be to increase the time-out, although this will make the user interface less responsive when rendering heavy scenes. Learn More Here.

不支持的 GNU 版本#

在Linux上,根据你的GCC版本,你可能会得到这个错误。请参阅 Nvidia CUDA Installation Guide for Linux 了解支持的GCC版本列表。对于这个错误,有两种可能的解决方案:


如果安装了与安装的CUDA工具包版本兼容的较旧GCC,则可以使用它而不是默认编译器。这是通过在启动Blender时设置 CYCLES_CUDA_EXTRA_CFLAGS 环境变量来完成的。


CYCLES_CUDA_EXTRA_CFLAGS="-ccbin gcc-x.x" blender

(Substitute the name or path of the compatible GCC compiler).


如果上述操作不成功,请删除 /usr/local/cuda/include/host_config.h 中的以下行:

#error -- unsupported GNU version! gcc x.x and up are not supported!





  1. 检查最新的Blender版本(官方或 实验版本) 是否支持您的显卡。

  2. 如果您自己构建Blender,请尝试下载并安装更新的CUDA开发人员工具包。
