Light Probe Sphere#

A light probe sphere records the light incomming from many directions at a single location.

They are used for smooth and semi-rough reflections. Sphere probes smoothly blend to light probe volume lighting for completely diffuse reflections.

If Raytracing is turned on, they are used as a fallback if a ray misses.

Ghi chú

In both usages, the light probe spheres are shadowed by light probe volume. This is done in order to reduce light leaking in shadowed areas and reduce the need to setup more light probe spheres.

Adjusting their resolution is done inside the Scene data panel.

The world also has an internal light probe sphere with a resolution that can be adjusted in the World data panel.

Tính Chất (Properties)#

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

Dữ Liệu Đối Tượng (Object Data) ‣ Bộ Dò Ánh Sáng (Probe)

Thể Loại (Type)

Shape of the influence volume. Can be set to Sphere or Box.

Bán Kính (Radius)

A probe object only influences the lighting of nearby surfaces. This influence zone is defined by the size parameter and object scaling.

Suy Giảm Dần (Falloff)

Percentage of the influence distance in which the influence of a probe fades linearly.


Ghi chú

In the viewport, capture only happens if an update is detected on the light probe data or position. For renders, the capture happens at the start of each frame.

Cắt Xén (Clipping)

Define the near and far clip distances when capturing the scene.

Thị Sai Tùy Chỉnh (Custom Parallax)#

Tham Chiếu (Reference)

Panel (Bảng):

Dữ Liệu Đối Tượng (Object Data) ‣ Thị Sai Tùy Chỉnh (Custom Parallax)

By default, the influence volume is also the parallax volume. The parallax volume is a volume on which the recorded light is projected. It should roughly fit it surrounding area. In some cases it may be better to adjust the parallax volume without touching the influence parameters. In this case, enable the Custom Parallax and change the shape and radius of the parallax volume independently.

Hiển Thị Cổng Nhìn (Viewport Display)#

Dữ Liệu (Data)

Show the captured light using a reflective sphere of the given size.

Cắt Xén (Clipping)

Công cụ dành cho việc đo lường các đối tượng trong Cổng Nhìn 3D.

Tác Động/Ảnh Hưởng (Influence)

Show the influence bounds in the 3D Viewport. The inner sphere is where the falloff starts.

Thị Sai (Parallax)

Show the "Thị Sai Tùy Chỉnh" shape in the 3D Viewport.