Object (Đối Tượng)#

Tầm Nhìn của Tia Xạ (Ray Visibility)#

Objects can be set to be invisible to particular ray types. This can be used, for example, to make an emitting mesh invisible to camera rays. For instanced objects, visibility is inherited; if the parent object is hidden for some ray types, the children will be hidden for these too.

In terms of performance, using these options is more efficient that using a shader node setup that achieves the same effect.

Máy Quay Phim (Camera)

Makes the object visible to the Camera; this includes the viewport's perspective in viewport rendering.

Ngả/Bóng Tối (Shadow)

Enables the object to cast shadows. The object will not be capture inside the shadow maps.

Bộ Thăm Dò Ánh Sáng (Light Probes)#

Objects can be set to not be captured by certain light probe. This can be used, for example, to avoid animated object being recorded into static light probes. For instanced objects, visibility is inherited; if the parent object is hidden for some ray types, the children will be hidden for these too.

Âm Lượng/Thể Tích (Volume)

Makes the object visible during light probe volumes baking.

Hình Cầu (Sphere)

Makes the object visible during light probe sphere capture.

Bình Diện (Plane)

Makes the object visible during light probe plane capture.