
The Extensions section lets you manage the extensions preferences.


Blender Preferences Extensions section.#

Ver también

To learn about extensions and how to create them, refer to the Extensions page.


There are different ways to install an extension:

  • Install from the Website: Drag the installation URL into Blender.

  • Install from Blender: Search for the extension name and click on Install.

  • Install from Disk: Use the dropdown menu in the top right, or drag-and-drop an extension .zip package into Blender.

Any installed extension can be removed. This is a permanent change, though. To stop an extension temporarily, it is better to Disable it instead.

Install Legacy Add-on#

To install legacy addons, click the Install from Disk menu item and select the addon’s .py file (if it has only one such file) or its .zip file.

The add-on will not be automatically enabled after installation; click the checkbox to do that.


Scans the Add-on Directory for new add-ons.


While this screen doesn’t allow installing a folder-based addon with loose .py files, you can still do so by adding it as a Script Directory:

  1. Cree un directorio vacío en una ubicación de su elección (por ejemplo, my_scripts).

  2. Agrega un subdirectorio bajo my_scripts llamado addons (debe tener este nombre para que Blender lo reconozca).

  3. Place your addon folder inside this addons folder.

  4. Abra la sección Rutas de Archivos de las Preferencias.

  5. Add a Script Directories entry pointing to your script folder (e.g. my_scripts).

  6. Guarde las preferencias y reinicie Blender para que reconozca la nueva ubicación del complemento.

The addons in this folder will automatically become available; all you need to do is enable them.


You need to manually check for available updates. Once an update is found, Blender will let you update any of the available extensions.

The current available version of an extension on the repository will always be considered the latest version.


Once an extension is installed it can be disabled (or re-enabled) as part of the user preferences. Some extension types do not support this, and will always be shown as enabled.


If the Add-on does not activate when enabled, check the Console window for any errors that may have occurred.


  • Check for Updates: Manually check the online repositories for available updates.

  • Update All: Update all the extensions that have an update available.

  • Install from Disk: Install an extension from a .zip package. This is installed to a Local Repository and no updates will be available.

  • Install Legacy Add-on: Add-ons are effectively replaced by extensions. However to keep old add-ons working for now, they can still be installed independently of the new system.

Preferencias del Complemento#

Algunos complementos pueden tener sus propias preferencias, que se pueden encontrar en la sección Preferencias del cuadro de información del complemento.

Algunos complementos usan esta sección, por ejemplo, para habilitar/deshabilitar ciertas funciones del complemento. A veces, estos pueden incluso estar desactivados por defecto. Por lo tanto, es importante verificar si el complemento habilitado tiene alguna preferencia particular.


Las opciones de filtrado disponibles son:

  • Extensiones habilitadas

  • Extensiones instaladas

  • Complementos antiguos

Filtrar por tipo#

  • Todas: Muestra todos los tipos de extensiones mezclados.

O sólo mostrar extensiones de un único tipo:

  • Complementos

  • Temas


By default Blender has a Remote Repository pointing towards the Official Blender Extensions Platform and two Local Repositories.

In the cases where more repositories are needed (e.g., to access third party extension platforms), new repositories can be added.



To add new repositories click on the + icon:

  • Add Remote Repository: Add a repository from a URL.

  • Add Local Repository: Add a repository which will be managed by the user (to be used with Install from Disk).

To remove repositories click on the - icon:

  • Remove Repository: Remove an extension repository.

  • Remove Repository & Files: Remove a repository and delete all associated files when removing.

These changes are permanent and cannot be reversed.

Remote Repository#

Remote repository with support for listing and updating extensions.


  • Check for Updates on Startup: Allows Blender to check for updates upon launch. When updates are available a notification will be visible on the status bar.

  • Access Token: Personal access token, may be required by some repositories.

Local Repository#

A repository managed manually by the users.

There are two types of local repositories. By default new local repositories are added as User repositories. This is what you want most of the time.

After creating a repository they can be changed in the Advanced options to have a source System. These repositories are intended to bundle extensions with Blender, to make it portable.