Sombreador a RVA¶

sólo en EEVEE
The Shader to RGB node is typically used for non-photorealistic rendering, to apply additional effects on the output of BSDFs. For example, a color ramp on the output of a diffuse BSDF can be used to create a flexible toon shader.
Usar esta conversión romperá el flujo de trabajo PBR y por lo tanto hará que el resultado sea impredecible al ser usado en combinación con efectos tales como oclusión ambiental, sombras suaves y refracción en espacio de la pantalla.
Some effects require multiple samples to converge, and applying arbitrary changes to noisy input may not convert to a smooth result.
If a Shader to RGB node is used, any upstream BSDF will be invisible to the following effects:
Screen Space Reflection
Transluminiscencia (SSS)
Alpha Clip and Alpha Hashed blend modes
Shader to RGB node doesn’t give expected results in render passes.
- Sombreador
Any shader such as a BSDF or Emission node can be linked here.
Este nodo no contiene propiedades.
- Color
Surface color computed from BSDFs and lighting.
- Alfa
Alpha transparency from any Transparent BSDFs in the input.

Simple toon shading with Shader to RGB and Freestyle.¶