Nodo Información de curvas¶

The Curves Info node gives access to Hair information.
Este nodo no contiene entradas.
Este nodo no contiene propiedades.
- Es hebra
Outputs 1 when the shader is acting on a strand, otherwise 0.
- Interceptar
The point along the strand where the ray hits the strand (1 at the tip and 0 at the root).
- Longitud
The total measurement from the root to the tip of the strand, interpreted as a grayscale value from 0 to infinity.
- Grosor
The thickness of the strand at the point where the ray hits the strand.
- Normal tangencial
Tangent normal of the strand.
- Aleatorio
A random per-curve value in the range from 0 to 1. It can for example be used in combination with a color ramp, to randomize the curve’s color.