
As projects involve increasingly high-resolution footage, the performance of the video preview can decrease drastically. To combat this, proxies are used to maintain a smooth editing experience without compromising visual fidelity.

Proxies are optimized, lower-resolution, versions of original video files that are used as a substitute of the high-quality source videos to increase playback performance. For rendering out the final project, the original, high quality source files are used.

Opciones de Reemplazo#



Sidebar region ‣ Proxy & Timecode ‣ Proxy Settings


How proxies are stored for the project.

Por Clip:

Proxies are stored in the directory of the input.


Todos los proxies se almacenan en un directorio.

Directorio de Reemplazos

La ubicación para almacenar los proxies para el proyecto.

Definir Reemplazos en Clips Seleccionados

Set proxy size and overwrite flag for all selected strips.

Reconstruir Reemplazo e Identificadores de Código de Tiempo

Generates Proxies and Timecodes for all selected strips, same as doing Strip ‣ Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices.

Reemplazo y Código de Tiempo del Clip#



región Barra Lateral ‣ Reemplazos y Código de Tiempo ‣ Reemplazo y Código de Tiempo del Clip


Once you have chosen the Proxy/Timecode options, you need to select all strips for which you want proxies to be built. Then use Strip ‣ Rebuild Proxy and Timecode Indices, or the according button in the Proxy Settings panel. Once all proxies are built, they will be ready to use.

In order to use proxies, you have to select a Proxy Render Size that matches one of the selected Resolutions.

Reemplazo Personalizado

By default, all generated proxy images are stored to the <path of original footage>/BL_proxy/<clip name> folder, but this location can be set to a custom directory using this option.


Le permite utilizar reemplazos preexistentes.


Controls the resolution(s) of the computed proxy images; multiply sizes can be selected. The available options are 25%, 50%, 75%, 100 percent of original strip size.


When rebuilding proxies, this option sets whether to overwrite existing proxy files or to use existing files. Saves over any existing proxy files in the proxy storage directory. When disabled, existing proxy files will be used.


Defines the quality of the images used for proxies.

Timecode Index

When you are working with footage directly copied from a camera without preprocessing it, there might be numerous artifacts, mostly due to seeking a given frame in the sequence. This happens because such footage usually does not have correct frame rate values in the file header. This issue can still arise when the source clip has the same frame rate as the scene settings. In order for Blender to correctly calculate the frames and frame rate there are two possible solutions:

  1. Preprocesar su video con, p.ej. MEncoder para reparar el encabezado del archivo e insertar los fotogramas clave correctos.

  2. Use the Proxy/Timecode option in Blender.


No se usa ningún código de tiempo.

Contador de Grabación:

Usa las imágenes en el orden en que se grabaron.

Contador Continuo:

Usa la marca de tiempo global escrita por el dispositivo de grabación.

Contador Continuo (Fecha Grabación):

Interpola una marca de tiempo global usando la fecha y hora de registro escritas por el dispositivo de grabación.

Contador de Grabación sin Pausas:

Similar to Record Run, but ignores the timecode given in the file header, changes in frame rate, or frame dropouts.


El Contador de grabación es el código de tiempo que generalmente es mejor usar, pero si el archivo de origen está muy dañado, Contador de grabación sin saltos será la única oportunidad de conseguir un resultado aceptable.