Nodo Ondas¶
This node is ported from shader nodes. The manual and images are
referencing the shader version of the node.
This node accepts field inputs and outputs.
When not connected the Vector input has an implicit position
attribute value.

The Wave Texture node adds procedural bands or rings with noise distortion.
In general, textures can be distorted by mixing their texture coordinates with another texture. The distortion built into the Wave Texture Node uses the Color output of the Noise Texture Node.
To replicate this, center its value range around zero, multiply it by a factor proportional to Distortion/Scale and add the result onto the texture coordinates. Detail, Detail Scale and Roughness of the Wave Texture Node correspond to the inputs on the Noise Texture Node.
- Vector
Coordenada de texturizado en donde muestrear la textura; de forma predefinida se utilizarán las coordenadas Generadas (en caso de que el conector estuviera desconectado).
- Escala
Escala general de la textura.
- Distorsión
Amount of distortion of the wave.
In general, textures can be distorted by mixing their texture coordinates with another texture. The distortion built into the Wave Texture Node uses the Color output of the Noise Texture Node.
To replicate this, center its value range around zero, multiply it by a factor proportional to Distortion/Scale and add the result onto the texture coordinates. Detail, Detail Scale, and Roughness of the Wave Texture Node correspond to the inputs on the Noise Texture Node.
- Detalle
Amount of distortion noise detail.
- Detail Scale
Scale of distortion noise.
- Rugosidad
Blend between a smoother noise pattern, and rougher with sharper peaks.
- Desplazar fase
Position of the wave along the Bands Direction. This can be used as an input for more control over the distortion.
- Tipo
Bands or Rings shaped waves.
- Bands/Rings Direction
The axis the bands or rings propagate from i.e. which axis they are perpendicular to. When using Bands a Diagonal axis is an option and when using Rings the rings can propagate outwards from a single point by using Spherical direction.
- Wave Profile
Controls the look of the wave type.
- Saw:
Uses a sawtooth profile.
- Seno:
Uses the standard sine profile.
- Color
Salida de color de la textura.
- Factor
Salida de intensidad de la textura.

Wave Texture.¶