Renombrar elemento activo¶
- Menú:
- Atajo:
The Rename Active Item operator renames the active Bone, Node, Object and Sequence Strip.
When the operator is executed, a pop-up dialog appears. The text field shows the name of the current item and can be overwritten to rename the item. Return confirms the name while Esc cancels the operator.
Renombrar por lotes¶
- Menú:
- Atajo:
The Batch Rename operator can rename many data-block names at once. This uses a pop-up dialog with operations and their options to change the name. These actions are applied in order, from first to last.
- Origen de datos
Where to look for the data-blocks that are intended to be renamed.
- Seleccionado:
Operates on the currently selected objects.
- Todo:
Operates on all data in the blend file.
- Tipo de datos
The data-block type to perform the batch rename operations on.
The Batch Rename has several sub Operations to change the data names. The default operation is Find/Replace however, other operations can be added to change the data names further. Below all the operations gives a message in the status bar on how many data-blocks were renamed.
Find/Replace searches for a particular text in the names and optionally replaces it with a new text. Regular Expressions can be used as a powerful way to tailor the Find/Replace texts and can be enabled using the icon to the right of the text fields.
- Buscar
The text to search for in names.
- Reemplazar
The text to replace for in matching names found from the Find text.
- May ≠ min
Search results must exactly match the case of the Find text.
Definir nombre¶
Set Name works the most similar to Rename Active Item by renaming the current data-block without having to do a find and replace operation.
- Método
- Nuevo/a:
Disregards the current name replacing it with the «new» name.
- Prefijo:
Adds text to the beginning of the current name. This is useful for tools that look for special text in the prefix of a data-block name.
- Sufijo:
Adds text to the end of the current name. This is useful for tools that look for special text in the suffix of a data-block name.
- Nombre
Defines the new name or the text to add as a prefix/suffix.
Quitar caracteres¶
Strip Characters cleans up names by removing certain character types from either the beginning or the end of the name.
- Caracteres
- Espacios:
Strips any space characters from the name, e.g. «Living Room « becomes «Living Room».
- Dígitos:
Strips any numerical characters from the name, e.g.
.- Puntuación:
Strips any punctuation characters (
etc.) from the name, e.g.cube?
Multiple character types can be removed at once by Shift-LMB on the types.
- Quitar desde
- Inicio:
Strips any leading characters in the name.
- Fin:
Strips any trailing characters in the name.
Cambiar mayús/minús¶
Change Case modifies the case of names to be one of the following:
- Convertir a
- Mayúsculas
Changes all text to be in upper case, e.g.
.- Minúsculas
Changes all text to be in lower case, e.g.
.- Título
Changes all text to be in title case, e.g.
living room
becomesLiving Room