Add Curves [Agregar]¶
Used to distribute new curves on the surface mesh. This tool requires the curve to have a surface object set.
The curves follow the surface normals. Using the interpolation options allows the brush to take the characteristics of existing curves.
Opciones de pincel¶
- Cantidad
Number of curves added.
Interpolation allows to add hair which are already combed. The new curves are created following the previously created curves which are in the vicinity.
- Interpolar Longitud
Use the average length of the curves in close proximity.
- Radio
Use the average radius of the curves in close proximity. If there is no radius attribute, then the interpolation will skip.
- Forma
Use the average shape of the curves in close proximity.
- Cantidad de puntos
Use the average amount of control points of the curves in close proximity.
- Longitud
Length of newly added curves when not interpolated.
- Radio de la curva
Radio de las nuevas curvas cuando no sean interpoladas.
- Puntos
Number of Control Points for the new created curves when the point count is not interpolated.