Modo Editar Partículas¶
Using Particle Edit Mode you can edit the keyed points (keyframes) and paths of Hair, Particle, Cloth, and Soft Body simulations. (You can also edit and style hair before baking.)
Since working in Particle Edit Mode is pretty easy and very similar to working with vertices in the 3D Viewport, we will show how to set up a particle system and then give a reference of the various functions.
Particle Edit Mode, specifically for hair is deprecated; please use the new Pelo vacío object with its associated Sculpt Mode instead.
Editing a cached cloth simulation is not currently working, see: blender/blender#77114 for details.
Only Frames Baked to Memory are Editable!
If you cannot edit the particles, check that you are not baking to a Disk Cache.
Configuración de partículas para pelo¶
Create a Hair particle system.
Give it an initial velocity in the Normal direction.
Create a simulation.
Check the Hair Dynamics box.

Editing hair strands in Particle Edit Mode.¶
Setup for Particle, Cloth, and Soft Body Simulations¶
Use Emitter particles, or a cloth/soft body simulation.
Create a simulation by setting up objects and or emitters, set your time range (use a small range if you are just starting out and experimenting), set up the simulation how you want it, using Alt-A to preview it.
Captura de la simulación¶
Once you are happy with the general simulation, bake the simulation from Object Mode. The simulation must be baked to enable editing.
Edición de la simulación¶
Switch to Particle Edit from the Mode select menu in the header of the 3D Viewport to edit the particle’s paths/Keyframes. You may need to press T from within the 3D Viewport to see the Particle Edit toolbox. Move to the frame you want to edit and use the various tools to edit your simulation.
Cambiar al modo de selección de Puntos (ver más abajo) en el encabezado de la Vista 3D para poder visualizar y seleccionar los puntos clave.
Seleccionar individual LMB.
Agregar/quitar de la selección Mayús-LMB.
Todas : A.
Ninguna Alt-A.
Invertir Ctrl-I.
Seleccionar con marco B.
Seleccionar con círculo C.
Seleccionar con lazo Ctrl-Alt-LMB.
Seleccionar vinculadas: Posar el ratón sobre una trayectoria y pulsar L para agregar todos sus puntos a la selección.
Deseleccionar vinculadas: Posar el ratón sobre una trayectoria y pulsar Mayús-L para quitar todos sus puntos de la selección.
Seleccionar aleatoriamente¶
Permitirá seleccionar partículas de manera aleatoria.
- Porcentaje
Porcentaje de partículas a ser aleatoriamente seleccionadas.
- Semilla de aleatoriedad
Valor de semilla a ser usado para la operación de selección.
- Acción
El operador podrá ser usado para seleccionar o deseleccionar partículas.
- Tipo
Permitirá seleccionar pelos o puntos. (Los términos aquí pueden resultar confusos, debido a que pelo/puto en este caso no se refiere al tipo de partícula emitida, sino a las trayectorias del pelo o los puntos de las partículas).
Modos de selección¶

Los modos de selección.¶
- Ruta:
No keypoints are visible, you can select/deselect only all particles.
- Punto (o Apuntar):
You see all of the keypoints.
- Diámetro Punta:
You can see and edit (including the brushes) only the tip of the particles, i.e. the last keypoint.
- Modo:
Modo Editar Partículas
- Herramienta:
Moves the keypoints (similar to the Proportional Editing tool).
- Deflectar emisor
Hair particles only – Do not move keypoints through the emitting mesh.
- Distancia
The distance to keep from the Emitter.
Parallels visually adjacent segments.
Adds new particles.
- Cantidad
The number of new particles per step.
- Interpolar
Interpolate the shape of new hairs from existing ones.
- Intervalos
Amount of brush steps.
- Teclas
How many keys to make new particles with.
Scales the segments, so it makes the hair longer with Grow or shorter with Shrink.
- Crecer / Contraer
Sets the brush to add the effect or reverse it.
Rotates the hair around its first keypoint (root). So it makes the hair stand up with Add or lay down with Sub.
- Volumen soplado
Apply puff to unselected end points, (Helps to maintain the hair volume when puffing the root.)
Scales the segments until the last keypoint reaches the brush.
This is especially useful for soft body animations, because the weight defines the soft body Goal. A keypoint with a weight of 1 will not move at all, a keypoint with a weight of 0 subjects fully to soft body animation. This value is scaled by the Strength Min to Max range of soft body goals…
Opciones en común¶
Below the brush types, their settings appear:
- Radio F
Set the radius of the brush.
- Intensidad Mayús-F
Set the strength of the brush effect (not for Add brush).
- Modo:
Modo Editar Partículas
- Panel:
- Auto-Velocity Emitter
Recalculate velocities of particles according to their edited paths. Otherwise, the original velocities values remains unchanged regardless of the actual distance that the particles moves.
- Simetría en X
Enable mirror editing across the local X axis.
- Preservar
- Strand Length
Keep the length of the segments between the keypoints when combing or smoothing the hair. This is done by moving all the other keypoints.
- Root Positions
Keep first key unmodified, so you cannot transplant hair.
Cut Particles to Shape¶
- Shape Object
A mesh object which boundary is used by the Shape Cut tool.
- Cortar
This grooming tool trims hairs to a shape defined by the Shape Object. This is a quicker way of avoiding protruding hair sections from lengthening than using the Cutting tool. It works especially well for characters with extensive fur, where working in a single plane with the Cutting tool becomes tedious.
Presentación en vistas¶
- Path Steps
The number of steps used to draw the path; improves the smoothness of the particle path.
- Children Hair
Displays the children of the particles too. This allows to fine-tune the particles and see their effects on the result, but it may slow down your system if you have many children.
- Particles Emitter
Displays the actual particles on top of the paths.
- Fade Time
Fade out paths and keys further away from current time.
- Fotogramas
How many frames to fade.
Moving Keypoints or Particles¶
To move selected keypoints press G, or use one of the various other methods to move vertices.
To move a particle root you have to turn off Keep Root in the Toolbar.
You can do many of the things like with vertices, including scaling, rotating and removing (complete particles or single keys).
You may not duplicate or extrude keys or particles, but you can subdivide particles which adds new keypoints
.Alternatively you can re-key a particle
How smoothly the hair and particle paths are displayed depends on the Path Steps setting in the Toolbar. Low settings produce blocky interpolation between points, while high settings produce a smooth curve.
- Modo:
Modo Editar Partículas
- Menú:
If you want to create an X axis symmetrical haircut you have to do following steps:
Select all particles with A.
Mirror the particles with
.Turn on X Mirror in
It may happen that after mirroring two particles occupy nearly the same place. Since this would be a waste of memory and render time, you can use Merge by Distance from the Particle menu.
Unificar longitud¶
- Modo:
Modo Editar Partículas
- Menú:
This tool is used to make all selected hair uniform length by finding the average length.
- Modo:
Modo Editar Partículas
- Menú:
Hiding and unhiding of particles works similar as with vertices in the 3D Viewport. Select one or more keypoints of the particle you want to hide and press H. The particle in fact does not vanish, only the key points.
Hidden particles (i.e. particles whose keypoints are hidden) do not react on the various brushes. But:
If you use Mirror Editing even particles with hidden keypoints may be moved, if their mirrored counterpart is moved.
To unhide all hidden particles press Alt-H.